Pictures + Videos Taken With My HP Elite X3


Active member
Nov 16, 2012
Let's see some pictures from the new big bad camera that sits in your pants pocket.

They say this baby is primarily for enterprise. But a 16mp camera can do a great deal of things!

Post pictures and videos below. I'm going to go get some popcorn.

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If you want some great advice on how to fine tune your photography skills, check out Muessig's excellent guide:[guide].html


And for more photography info and chatter, check out the photography forums: The Photography Lounge - Windows Central Forums
few of the people here already had the Elite X3 with them, appreciate if some of you could share some pictures taken with the phone here :wink:
I think they can't share because the phone is not yet primed. I think they are still waiting for that firmware update. Another flop by Microsoft. I think the problem is the not the HW but the software. MS only employs two developer for Windows 10 mobile now and 1 is out sick. So patience. While QA team is zero (0) they fired everyone. They are relying on windows insiders. So MS is on a cost cutting measures while executives continue to receive bonuses. What a life. and you think the most cruel discrimination is by color. hahahaha.
I think they can't share because the phone is not yet primed. I think they are still waiting for that firmware update. Another flop by Microsoft. I think the problem is the not the HW but the software. MS only employs two developer for Windows 10 mobile now and 1 is out sick. So patience. While QA team is zero (0) they fired everyone. They are relying on windows insiders. So MS is on a cost cutting measures while executives continue to receive bonuses. What a life. and you think the most cruel discrimination is by color. hahahaha.

This phone is by HP not Microsoft. so your whole rant is weird, wrong, and bizarre. I have to question what knowledge, if any, you have of Windows phone, Microsoft, Windows 10 Mobile and the HP Elite x3 as clearly you are speaking out of your league right now. I suggest more reading before you post so as others here may not negatively judge your aptitude.

Development is on HP and the camera gets a lot of fixes in RS2. I'll be posting photos today from the camera.
Another mindless response. You do know, this is an HP phone. Just turn it over, there's an H and P on the back. Oh don't have a phone? You mean you're providing this most excellent feedback without the benefit of owning the product? Pfft !!!
Hay guys did the phone issues get worked out yet?? Or HP not release the phone improvements yet? Really want to see how good this camera will be once all the updated are out.

Do you guys think it will be on par with the 950's camera's or close to them? Will it be as good as the new iphone camera and other smart phones?
On the grounds that a thread about pics and videos ought to have some, here's an example from a soft-focus kind of morning.


So far I am not a big fan of the x3 camera as a recorder of crisp and precise images. But if you like softer and muted images, there's a place for it. I have not yet taken a macro photograph that shows anywhere near the quality achievable with the 950XL and some 1020 photos that I have seen. Maybe ProShot is better for close-ups than Windows Camera on this phone. I need to do a lot more work with it before I decide what it is capable of and what would be better left to other devices.
Many thanks for the great photo! Sure as hell a lot better the my galaxy s4 lol. How does the front camera work for selfies? And two more things, I have really shaky hands, did the updates help with the ISO at all? I can barely take a clear pic when I got my arm on the table, or standing right above something. Last, how does this camera hold up to say,, the HTC 10, or new iphone? Thanks a lot man!
Thanks for asking. I'm not a full disclosure kind of guy, so here's a semi-selfie from my x3 that has enough texture and artificial tungsten light that you can see what the camera does on auto. The image still looks soft to me, but that effect may be preferred by some. I tend not to rely on flash because it looks so fake.


The native Windows Camera app lets you set ISO pretty high and then bends the other factors to compensate. You should be able to defeat most shake by setting ISO at 400, or severe shakiness by going to 800 or even 1600. But obviously it helps to have more light in those cases, or you need to be OK with overprocessed and noisy images that are made at lower light levels.

I'll keep playing with the x3 camera at different light levels and manual settings. I'll put some more photos up as time goes by, and maybe even some comparisons of the same subject with different cameras.
Sorry, couldn't find any rotation controls. Rotated them myself but they got horizontalled back. Anyway, you get the picture...

I'm kinda getting the feeling the camera is really not that bad as of now, and they are still working on fixing it and making it better. Are people net picking on this or is this camera really a lot less then other flagship phones?
I'm kinda getting the feeling the camera is really not that bad as of now, and they are still working on fixing it and making it better. Are people net picking on this or is this camera really a lot less then other flagship phones?

I'm trying to be honest with myself about this, but it's tough to reconcile contradictory observations. Subjectively, my impression is that x3 photos are soft, muddy and imprecise in comparison to 950XL images -- and to images recorded by the cameras in the Nexus 6P and iPhone 6S+ as well. It's like the x3 images are simultaneously underexposed and shot through gauze filters or smudged glass. But a couple of days ago I hung a standard lens test chart on an outside wall of my house and took some photos in open shade. Except under extreme enlargement, the fine lines were sharp, dark fields had sharp edges with any phone, contrast was great, hues in the color squares mostly matched reality. So maybe there's an expectations problem here in which I accept a level of performance in one system that I object to in another.

Questions of individual perception aside, there are still undeniable issues with the x3 camera. While recording some outside images yesterday, I experimented with the +/- exposure slide to see if I could lighten some of the darkness that I object to in many images. When I moved the slide to the plus side, the images became overexposed and burned out. When I moved it to the minus side, the images were -- surprise! -- overexposed and burned out. There was no adjustment position in the +/- slide that resulted in just slightly lighter or slightly darker images. Dead center on the slide gave me the images that I have been concerned about. Any other position on the slide resulted in grotesque overexposure.

I still have occasional crash problems with the x3's camera while saving or reviewing recent images from inside the app, though these incidents are less frequent than when I first got the phone. I have to believe that the camera will get better with time and additional updates, but I can't judge the present output on coming improvements.

Microsoft pushed out a camera update yesterday evening. It's still before dawn here, but later I will take the x3 out and try some additional shots in bright, average and low-light environments. I also need to see if ProShot offers finer exposure management than the standard camera app. It's hard to believe it would, since both apps just sit on top of firmware and manipulate the basic handles of the device, but the experiment needs to be done.

I'm running the latest Fast Ring release and have the upgraded firmware.
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Microsoft pushed out a camera update yesterday evening (Fast Ring). It's still before dawn here, but later I will take the x3 out and try some additional shots in bright, average and low-light environments.

That update for me fixed the OS crash issue when you launch the camera from lock screen, take a photo, view it and then go back to the camera. I can repeat this crash every time on Production. Now, with the new update, it never happens, so something did change there for the better.

I think tap to focus is also improved (less hunting), but I'm not 100% on that. It used to do that thing where the focus reticle would just blink (not focused) and eventually take a photo completely blurry. Hasn't happened yet with this update.

I have no idea if IQ improved, I don't think much changed there.

Update: So far, tap to focus seems to be much better. Images are also coming out a bit sharper, but that may be correlated with improved T2F. In these samples, my cat is a bit underexposed partially due to her being black/white (always tricky for photography) but it is very sharp. Noise in the background is still high, but overall image IQ is pretty good in my book.
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I just took a few more photos and they are much better than any previous images I had taken. I think it is possible I was simply requiring the camera to do more at lower light levels than I should have. Here are a couple of samples that I pasted in from a hosting site, so they can't be enlarged. If there is interest, I will upload full images as attachments in future posts.

First, a sort-of-macro shot of a screen door hook. That's one inch/25mm from the center of the horizontal component to the bottom of the coil spring.


Here's a texture-rich image of a leaf stuck in a broom leaning against a shingled wall.


Depth of focus is obviously not great (nor do I expect it to be with a fixed aperture lens forced into close-up duty), but at least it can be seen that the lens is doing a pretty good job with resolution on the plane where things are in sharpest focus.

I pronounce myself much happier with the x3 camera now than I was last night. And after the app upgrade the lighter/darker dial works as I would expect it to. (Not that I am completely convinced the new version is what cured the problem I was having.)
Daniel, good images. The nice things about cats as test subjects is that whiskers constitute an at-a-glance pass/fail test. You have a very high res cat. And I like the colors on and around the dude with the rose. One of the things about the first pics out of my new 6P last year is that the images looked as though they had been shot with an LSD filter -- colors seemed way too intense. But I eventually came to like the almost surreal emphasis. Sometimes garish is good.

Here's another x3 photo from earlier today -- auto exposure in direct sun. This is yellow shelf fungus on a neighborhood eucalyptus.


It's hard to see much detail in the fungus, but if you look at the tree you can see some decent detail in the peeling and splitting bark.
Those really do look great. Did the person have to play around with it big time to get them to come out like that? Or this the new update? I was looking last night at a lumia 950 vs iphone 7 comparison last night and thought it was a draw. Those are to of the best camera phones out there. I hope the updates keep making the HP phone almost as good as the 950. I really, really hope that.
That update for me fixed the OS crash issue when you launch the camera from lock screen, take a photo, view it and then go back to the camera. I can repeat this crash every time on Production. Now, with the new update, it never happens, so something did change there for the better.

I think tap to focus is also improved (less hunting), but I'm not 100% on that. It used to do that thing where the focus reticle would just blink (not focused) and eventually take a photo completely blurry. Hasn't happened yet with this update.

I have no idea if IQ improved, I don't think much changed there.

Update: So far, tap to focus seems to be much better. Images are also coming out a bit sharper, but that may be correlated with improved T2F. In these samples, my cat is a bit underexposed partially due to her being black/white (always tricky for photography) but it is very sharp. Noise in the background is still high, but overall image IQ is pretty good in my book.

what's the max resolution of the camera?

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