8X won't turn on again

Christian Schubert

New member
Nov 28, 2012

I'm owning the 8X for 2 weeks now and had 3 or 4 reboots. Today - without noticing it, while I was doing some stuff on my laptop - it went completely off. The device was fully loaded over night and off the charger for maybe an hour. So now it's not going to boot after pressing power. I've tried several usual button combinations to make a soft or even a hard reset but nothing seems to work. Is any one out there with a hint for me or is it just bricked?

Thanks in advance!

This happened to me. Hold the power button and the down on the volume button at the same time for about 15 seconds and it should turn back on.
My lumia 800 does this when it thinks it's out of battery - try plugging it in while simultaneously tapping the power button. As in, more like you're unlocking the phone, than holding it down to turn on the power. For some reason this jumpstarts it! Don't know if it will work for the 8X but the depleted battery issue is a widespread problem for the 800
Im in the same boat as you OP. My 4 DAY OLD verizon 8x just randomly shut off and will not turn on with the power/vol down combo. This is the second time today it shut off on me except the first time the power/vol down trick worked. Even plugging it in the phones notification light will not indicate that it is charging. Yet when i call myself, the phone rings like it normally would as if the phone is on. I hope there is a fix for this soon or some other trick/way around this. Coming from a droid DNA I wanna love wp8 but this is not helping lol
So wait, when you ring yourself the phone actually rings, or you can just hear the ringing down the line but the phone doesn't respond?

Have you tried using the Find My Phone website to connect to your phone? Might be an idea. If the phone is somehow on but the screen/etc are not enabled, it might be visible to Find My Phone. You may be able to remotely wipe/reset the device to get it working.
AW: 8X won't turn on again

Today the dealer swapped my 8X without any problems - it really bricked out of nowhere. Lets see if number 2 last longer than two weeks.
Sent from my Windows Phone 8X by HTC using Board Express
Thanks mate,
i tried this on my new HTC 8x and it worked. Im a bit worried why this happened so early fter buying it on contract.
it's probably just a bug.
I hope HTC take notice and issue a firmware update soon.

I thought my phone was bricked for good!
My First 8X died on me after just a day.

The battery must have died overnight and it wouldn't switch back on no matter what. I tried charging it for a couple of hours, but even the charging l.e.d. wouldn't show or acknowledge a charger was present, so I tried a different charger and still nothing. No combinations of button presses or hard resets would work, was not impressed! But thankfully Phones4U swapped it without question and the replacement has been OK since, but I'm still dubious about letting the battery go completely dead now lol!
Holding the power button and down volume key worked. Huge relief because second time this has happened and the first time I took it back and swapped it. Didn't want to go through the whole set-up process and glad it turned back on. Hope HTC and Windows fix soon. I still get random reboots too.
I am also having this problem on my 8X from Verizon, more or less since day 1. Holding power and down volume (soft reset) works for me. Today I actually received a phone call while the screen was dark. I could not turn the screen on or answer the call. FWIW, my phone usually enters this state while in my pocket.

Are we waiting for a software or firmware update, or does anyone know if replacing the phone is required to solve this problem? I know of three other people with this phone, who do not experience this problem.

Verizon always says you must do a hard reset of the phone (welcome to hours of setting your phone back up and reloading apps, etc.). Then if you still have the problem they may replace your phone.

My 8x stopped unexpectedly and no end of huffing and puffing and pressing buttons will bring it back to life. My provider is arranging collection and will send a replacement on reciept of the faulty one. HTC say its a failed phone.

And my contacts backup only appears to have 1 number. AAAaaaaaargh

currently on my second 8x and guess what? yeah it has done the same thing. of all the times to break it had to pick xmas...... tried the whole hard/soft resetting nothing is responding. LED charge indication light isnt glowing when plugged in, tried calling it from another phone.
if my provider turns round and asks if i want a replacement i might just get my iphone back, had nothing but problems and grief since i got this now rather blue brick....
I experienced this a couple of days ago. I fixed it by gently shake the phone on my hand a couple of times and then pressed the power button.
My 8X also died on its own 7 days after buying it, no reset combination is working on it and its not getting charged. HTC has told me to get the phone exchanged and now I will get a new one tomorrow. Wonder why this is happening?
Just got a replacement for my 8X in the UK. Completely died, and Three.co.uk replaced it without any hassles. They do a full replacement within 28 days. Mine failed on day 27. ;)

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