Anyone else having discolouring on corners of HTC 8X


New member
Oct 10, 2011
Is anyone else having this problem of discolouring ?

Ive noticed today that on all 4 corners of my 8X their is a distinct darkening of colour, almost as if I have been rubbing it furiously (which isn't obviously possible on all four corners), if it was one corner or maybe the bottom 2 where I hold it then fair enough, but its not, its all four corners, and a couple of weeks into a 2 year contract isn't good enough for wear and tear in my view!

I have taken photos and attached them to a support ticket on HTC support pages, so will update this thread with my progress, but wanted to ask fellow owners, look at your corners of your handset, is the colour darker (a kind if grubby look) on the corners after a few weeks use? Iv compared it to my wife's whose corners are perfect on her device! And i have never dropped or had an impact etc

Update, ive looked more closely at my wife's handset, she told me it was fine when I asked her and actually when I look, it isn't.. Its awful! It has the exact same issue, further, 2 of my friends have the same handset, they have rang me back and theirs are exactly the same, 4 handsets, same issue! Corners discolouring and wearing after only a few weeks of careful ownership!

I find this really bad and it doesn't bide well for what kind of condition it will be in after a few months, let alone 2 years! And the 'look' and 'colour' of this device is one of its most redeeming features, sound off in reply to this thread of the condition of the corners of your HTC 8X and lets see if its isolated to a bad batch or is affecting more people!
I've had my blue 8x for about 3 weeks and have carried in my front pocket without a case. The corners look just like they did on the day I bought it.
Sent from my HTC Titan 2 using Board Express
Yeah I have a blue one from ATT and after a month of carrying it around in my front pockets, taking it in and out many times each day, it looks the same as it did when new.
Very strange the two above are ok, are u sure under the light and scrutiny they aren't darker and speckles coming away? Ive contacted my carrier anyway and they are aware apparently of a few complaints like this, so I have asked for them both to be replaced with lumia 820's, they are getting replaced tomorrow

Im guessing HTC are gonna feel this if alot of people return them!
There are already two threads on this, with the first being posted by Coffee in the second post.

The 820 is too much of a lower spec'ed device for me to swap for that. I simply put the official Double Shock case of the phone, it needed the protection anyway.
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I have had a look at my bosses HTC 8X and its exactly the same, that's 5 HTC 8X owners i know and all 5 have this exact same discolouring defect of the 4 corners. Not good.. No longer an issue for me anyway as in replacing them both for lumia 820's tomorrow, but i think HTC will start to feel the pinch if more people start to think its not acceptable that their phones colour is coming off the corners! I cant believe they didn't notice this in their stress testing of the device!
I have had a look at my bosses HTC 8X and its exactly the same, that's 5 HTC 8X owners i know and all 5 have this exact same discolouring defect of the 4 corners. Not good.. No longer an issue for me anyway as in replacing them both for lumia 820's tomorrow, but i think HTC will start to feel the pinch if more people start to think its not acceptable that their phones colour is coming off the corners! I cant believe they didn't notice this in their stress testing of the device!

If the swapping process from easy for me, I would have probably done the same.

Does your swap involve you not having a phone for a few days?
I have noticed the discoloration of the corners. They look darker, like dirt/oil is sticking to them easier. I've mentioned it and showed it to colleagues and they also see it. Not sure what I can do.. might try scrubbing it with some dish soap.
I have the blue HTC 8X and definitely see a darkening of the corners... makes it look dirty.
What colors are everyone experiencing these issues?
I'm wondering the same thing. I would imagine that on the blue, red and yellow devices it would be an issue. On the black model, even if it is indeed occurring, it seems as if it would not even be noticeable. Can anybody speak to this from personal experience with the black model?
If the swapping process from easy for me, I would have probably done the same.

Does your swap involve you not having a phone for a few days?

next day delivery by courier, you reset and box the phones up and give the courier the box, they give you the replacement, I have saved everythign on skydrive anyway so it will take me 5 minutes to set the 2 new phones back up, Im just glad I noticed it within the 28 days!! lots of people wont and will only complain in the months ahead when its worse and obviously too late
I have the blue HTC 8X and definitely see a darkening of the corners... makes it look dirty.

look closely, at first i thought it was dirt, until i saw 2 of the corners have speccles coming off, only very minute but it wont get any better over time, it will only ever get worse
There are already two threads on this, with the first being posted by Coffee in the second post.

The 820 is too much of a lower spec'ed device for me to swap for that. I simply put the official Double Shock case of the phone, it needed the protection anyway.

in what way is the 820 lower specced?

Im assuming you mean the 8GB of memory? I have a 64GB micro sd card in mine, only costs ?45.. other than that I see no spec lower, maybe you could argue the front facing camera isnt as good, but i would say i hardly use it anyway, and its good enough for when i do

the tradeoff is the colour isnt coming away from the nokias, it has other options the HTC doesnt, like removeable storage, wireless charging, and loads more apps.. i was shocked to see my favourite footy app ESPN goals wasnt available for the HTC because nokia have an exclusivity deal with it!!! so at least I get that again, also, you get all the nokia Drive and Camera apps you cant get on HTC, plus i imagine there will more apps in the future like this, exclusive to nokia

Apart from the fact it doesnt look as nice (which is what drew me to the HTC) the nokia lumia 820 holds its own and some good argue surpasses the HTC in terms of spec when you look at the big picture, I just wish it was a little thinner, but I'll take that chunkyness over my phone having the paint come off over time!
Processor and screen size and resolution of course. Maybe even the sound.

For your information, the paint isn't pealing off. I have managed to clean most of it off.

Also, the polycarbonate has been dyed, so colour goes all the way through.

That being said, the Nokia support is definitely superior.

We all fans of Windows Phone first, Oem second, so its all good. :D
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how is HTC with RMAs? Is it a simple exchange where they send you the new phone with a return label for your old one? Do they give you a hard time?
Question tho.. if you RMA it, you're likely to just get another one that has the same problems. I dont know about you but I hate switching phones and re-doing stuff.. I might just put up with the darkening corners. They might just be more susceptible to skin grease..
aside from the photos, wp8 makes it pretty easy to reinstall your apps/settings

basically everything is backed up on the cloud if you enable that feature

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