Verizon 8X Unlocked Add MMS/APN


New member
May 17, 2011
I bought the Verizon 8X to use on another carrier. Phone calls and the Internet work great, but SMS and MMS do not work. I'm having trouble putting in the APN MMS info in settings, it's not saving. Can anybody help me?
I just googled the settings for T-mobile. They came right up. Now, MMS is working great on t-mobile.
In Windows Phone 8 tools for adding or editing Cellular Settings for internet and mms are built in. No need to download apps for it.
I've tried all day to set the settings for ATT mms and I have not been able to do so. Any ideas anyone
I have the same issues on my Verizon 8X, the HTC connection app doesn't detect either the verizon nor the t-mobile sim card.
How did you get it to save? I entered the mms apn settings on my verizon 8x and it won't save the settings for tmobile,, thanks!

I have the same problem. I bought an unlocked Verizon HTC 8X and I'm trying to use it in Brazil with the Vivo Carrier, but my phone won't save the mms apn settings. WTF is this???
I have the same issue. I have an 8X on Verizon with a TMO sim. It won't let me save my Internet MMS APN settings when I enter them. I can recieve texts just fine. And, I am able to send texts when I enter the phone number from scratch rather than choose a contact to text from my contacts list. If I keep the window open after I enter the phone number I can send and recieve just fine. It's once I switch to another window that it goes back to not receiving texts. MMS doesn't work at all no matter what. I've tried all sorts of steps to mess with my contacts to see if I can remedy the situation thinking maybe the phone is confused with my imported contacts (mix of hotmail,gmail and facebook contacts). But I can't seem to get it to text from my contacts list.
I'm trying to use my Verizon 8X on AT&T US. Same thing, won't save my MMS settings. Maybe they're not correct. Can someone please list the settings for AT&T US MMS. Thanks.
I had the same issue. Unlocked HTC/8x on VIVO. I have turned off the " international assist" option on Settings->Applications->Phone-> International Assist (off). SMS working great now.

I don't know if this helped also. But I entered all data on the mms apn configuration and saved it. I had to include wap parameters also so the little diskette that shows that the parameters can be saved lit up. Once I "saved it" the info disappeared..don't know if this was stored somewhere tough

Hope it helps
I just bought the limited edition Verizon employee edition HTC 8X (unlocked I guess) and using a TMobile SIM and have many problems with sending and receiving texts and picture messages. It is also seemingly random as to who can and cannot receive texts from me. I have corrected the internet apn but I have been on support with TMobile and HTC and both are confused why I do not have the option to add or edit MMS APN on my phone. We have verified the OS version and the Firmware revision number. I tried turning off the international assist as mentioned and still can't send picture messages. Any ideas? Thanks.
I think it is a firmware issue... on my branded Swisscom Lumia 920, I can also not edit the MMS and Internet settings.
Yeah, it is a firmware issue. I had this confirmed today from HTC. Too bad, I really like this phone. I will just have to wait for the next version on the TMobile network and hope the colors are better.

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