My htc 8x has a strange screen


New member
Apr 16, 2012
I was listening to music on the phone and stopped. Driving. While waiting for others in the car played QONQR. The music playing would not come out from the top of the phone. Then the hitting the back button scrolled the music app up but then magically reappeared. tried to turn off but the phone would not.

Tried soft reboot, and after at least 10 tries the phone shows the screen below.

Any ideas what to do? The phone is on ATT and does not have gdr2

Somehow can't turn this picture right side up.


  • 8xf.jpg
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From this thread

The Bolt and Gear screen is a flash mode, it's one of those back door things for repair people to re-flash a phone that will not fully boot. I hit it before and looked it up. If you found you way into by mistake, just rebooting the phone normally gets it out of this mode (vol down and power I believe).

If you rebooted your phone and you still have it....bad news, needs to get a rom flashed to it, normally a carrier or repair center item but, can show a possible bigger problem.
Soft reset and keep holding the down volume as long as possible before it resets again.
When attempting to hold volume down button with power as suggested above, this is the result.

I think your phone's up volume is stuck. You should keep doing the way that gets you to the three bar codes but hold the down volume a shorter time each go at it until it boots up normal or goes to the bolt screen again.

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