No longer receive any MMS messages


New member
Sep 24, 2009
For the past few months I've randomly stopped receiving any and all pictures texted to me. I didn't realize it was happening at first, but then I started catching on that friends were sending me pics and they never come through. Any tips? The phone has been turned off/on many times, I've toggled all sorts of connection things (airplane, cell tower, etc), updates aren't there. I'd really rather not have to wipe my phone and start over, if that can be avoided.

What carrier are you on? I have T-Mobile and have been experiencing the same as well as my brother with an unlocked 920 and my parents with the HD7.
I'm on Verizon and I live in an area with LTE, but very poor reception. Every once in a while I'll have a problem where I'll get a text that says "Media message" or something and asks me to download it and it never lets me. Most times I get the picture the way its supposed to happen though. To the best of my knowledge I've never completely "missed" a picture - I just can't download them.
I havea ticket in with Verizon Support for this exact issue. I spent all last Friday on the phone with them trying to figure it out but no one seems to have a clue as to why. Tested it with the Support guy multiple times, sometimes the picture would come through, but never on the first try.

The problem with the whole thing is, I don't know what pictures I'm NOT getting unless someone says "hey, did you get that picture I sent you?" Nope. I did not.

They said they might have an answer for me by end of the week. I am going to call and check on my ticket number and if it isn't solved (most likely) I am going to ask for some kind of upgrade. This is ridiculous since I am paying for a service, but I don't receive MMS texts.
Hi all,

I had the same issue with my 8x and managed to fix the issue by deleting the mms apn settings all together and everything is fine for me now. This solution was also marked as an answer on the Microsoft community forum for an 8s user who had this problem since February. Try it and let me know. Send a pic to yourself and see.
Hi all,

I had the same issue with my 8x and managed to fix the issue by deleting the mms apn settings all together and everything is fine for me now. This solution was also marked as an answer on the Microsoft community forum for an 8s user who had this problem since February. Try it and let me know. Send a pic to yourself and see.

Verizon 8x doesn't have mms apn editable under cellular settings

On a side note try sending pics of different sizes (memory) to your self and see if it works, i know there are restrictions to file size that can be sent using mms
Verizon 8x doesn't have mms apn editable under cellular settings

On a side note try sending pics of different sizes (memory) to your self and see if it works, i know there are restrictions to file size that can be sent using mms
I receive pictures I send to myself. That isn't an issue.
I just tested for myself, I don't even get pictures that I send to myself. Wtf, Verizon.
I've never not received anything, but because of my bad coverage area it will sometimes block me from downloading a message, even if I move into better coverage! Good way to check if your not receiving messages is to log in to and go to their online Verizon messages app where you can view everything!
Go to, and create a new folder (name it anything; I named mine "messages"). Click on the "message history" tab, hit select all, hit move and move your messages to this new folder (let it run right on through the date of when you first spotted this happening). I had the same problem, moved my text history through the first of July, and now it's been working fine for the past 4 or 5 days. And I have a 920 on AT&T, so it doesn't seem to be a carrier issue. Something with the text backup on the OS is tripping up MMS.
well I guess I complained enough about not receiving picture messages and they decided to send me a new phone, but they can't send me anything but another Windows phone. Found that weird, but whatever. How does this work? There aren't many options for WPs.

Well they need to see what was available when I got my 8x, which is the 822. Told the lady I don't want the 822. Didn't give a good reason, just don't want it. Any chance I can have a 928? Yes! Sweet. So...I've that going for me. Wonder how it will compare to the 8x, which I never really had a problem with.

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