Pictures / Video taken with your HTC One (M8)


Moderator Team Leader
Sep 30, 2012
This is the place to put all of your awesome pictures/video's captured on your HTC One (M8)'s.


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For a guide on how to use your phone's camera to take better pictures see here:[guide].html or click the signature below.
I can't wait to see some pics. I am really disappointed with the camera on the M8 with Windows at the MS Store, it had a blue hue throughout every test pic I took :(
The pictures aren't bad at all. Its the software thats not so great. For daytime pics if you use proshot you get lumia quality shots. I have contacted htc about making their htc camera better (lots of bugs) the best thing we can do is let them know that we want them to update their camera app:
Contact HTCdev

let them know!

Also here are some shots I took with my m8.
Default Camera app / HTC camera App!AJ3ePOxQ7TFsc1Y&v=3&ithint=photo,jpg!AAzvUs-gdC9d8OI&v=3&ithint=photo,jpg!AORmXYSGfjwNPIo&v=3&ithint=photo,jpg

Indoor dark with flash of kittens that wont stand still Default Camera App:!ANvP4drLllBStrQ&v=3&ithint=photo,jpg!AAQAFLzBhoKRyyw&v=3&ithint=photo,jpg!ADc1np8q2y1uLG0&v=3&ithint=photo,jpg

Indoor poor lighting with NO FLASH of Kittens that wont stand still on Default Camera:!AG-EmrDLdOTt3sI&v=3&ithint=photo,jpg!AA-8rrT7wy_5kns&v=3&ithint=photo,jpg

Indoor average light no flash default camera app:!AO5RXnF7d5P8bMw&v=3&ithint=photo,jpg

Night shots with flash using my Night Shot app:!AM4hC9Fn9tSF3L0&v=3&ithint=photo,jpg!AHGE11ArH9DzaIw&v=3&ithint=photo,jpg!ANFtfyl9zSVGdUY&v=3&ithint=photo,jpg

Things to note:

The camera can take good shots, it just may take 1 or two shots before you get the good one. (again software...)

The pro shot camera currently does not support AF Lamp with htc one m8 devices, i have notified the developer of a fix and they will be working on it soon.

My night shot app was a proof of concept for fixing af lamp in pro shot for the developer, but its available if you search the m8 for windows forums here.

The camera isn't that bad, its just the software we have to use it on.

Hopefully these pics show you what the camera can do.

I previously had a 928 and miss the xenon flash badly but im not sure many more phones will come with that option.
Thanks. I think they look great! The m8 will be my next windows phone when the price drops on swappa.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
How fast is that camera?

My HTC DNA was really fast to launch the camera app and take photos at full rez.

My current Nokia Icon takes better quality photos than the DNA but it is so slow to open the app and take repeated shots.
So problem there is missing shots.

The Nokia seems to be the normal for launching the app and taking shots when compared with most phones.
I think HTC with their dedicated imaging chip does make theirs faster so I'm comparing to the DNA speed.
The M8 states that it has a dedicated imaging chip so I was curious if it was fast like the DNA was.

Only 5 MP might be a bummer but the larger size sensor can offset some of that.
More photos from work experimenting with apps.

Original with UFocus effect
IMAG00060 (3).jpg

Original with UFocus and Adobe PS Express vignette black

Original with UFocus, Adobe PS Express vignette black, and the app *BLACK* using Kodak Tri-X 400 option
BLACK_3_30_2016 4_03_20 PM.jpg
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Seriously, what are you guys doing differently from me? The pictures I take with my M8 never seem to come out that good. I especially have trouble with taking pictures of tiny serial numbers. I hope this is not considered off topic.
Seriously, what are you guys doing differently from me? The pictures I take with my M8 never seem to come out that good. I especially have trouble with taking pictures of tiny serial numbers. I hope this is not considered off topic.

I wouldn't know what I'd be doing differently from you. I've not tried taking pictures of tiny serial numbers either. I use the camera in AUTO mode and just try to be very steady , especially in low light as the M8 doesn't have OIS. It's not perfect all the time. Sometimes a pic will come out blurry due to me not being steady ... particularly in lower light conditions and I'll just try again.
Just playin' around. Combined UFocus, Fantasia Painter, Adobe Photoshop Express smashup.

htc test.jpg
This is certainly a dead area lol. I don't care. Here's a pic taken with my M8 with UFocus ... transferred it to my Moto X Pure and just played around with it with Snapseed.

IMAG00140 (2)-01.jpeg

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