Want more battery


New member
Dec 24, 2010
What's the largest capacity battery that fits with the stock back cover? Are we stuck with the factory battery unless we fatten up the phone?

This is about the only thing that keeps me swapping my sim card back to my Torch.
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Yeah, I found these..the 3900mah one is apparently 1/2 an inch thick... Looks like it'll roughly double the thickness on the phone. :(

I'd go for the 1300mah one if it will fit with the oem cover. *researching...*

*edit* Sent Mugen an email asking if the 1300mah works w/ the factory cover. Will advise.
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That was quick. According to "Jan", the 1300mah battery is the same physical size as the oe battery.

I think I'll order one.

*edit* Done. Should be here in a couple weeks, I'll let you know when I receive it and my impressions after a few days with it.
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I'll let you know when I receive it and my impressions after a few days with it.

Do that. I'm wondering if the extra 70mah makes enough of a difference to justify the $45.

Curious to know if the "Mugen Power batteries have better performance (higher capacity) and reliability (longevity & safety) than other brands. The superior performance improves run time, often doubling that provided by the original brand replacement. The superior quality results in longer battery life and better protection of the powered device."will prove true.
Do that. I'm wondering if the extra 70mah makes enough of a difference to justify the $45.

Curious to know if the "Mugen Power batteries have better performance (higher capacity) and reliability (longevity & safety) than other brands. The superior performance improves run time, often doubling that provided by the original brand replacement. The superior quality results in longer battery life and better protection of the powered device."will prove true.

Yeah, it's only a 5-6% improvement..worst case, I've got a spare battery to carry in case I need it. :)
Do that. I'm wondering if the extra 70mah makes enough of a difference to justify the $45.

Curious to know if the "Mugen Power batteries have better performance (higher capacity) and reliability (longevity & safety) than other brands. The superior performance improves run time, often doubling that provided by the original brand replacement. The superior quality results in longer battery life and better protection of the powered device."will prove true.

I got great use out of the 1400mah battery I bought from them for a Palm Pre. Battery diagnostics proved the veracity of their 1400mah claim. This compares to the Seidio 1350mah which was proven over at PreCentral to have been a stock 1150mah rated battery so Seidio is not to be trusted.

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Ok. Received the Mugen 1300 mah battery just now in the mail. I'll try and give you an idea of how it compares to the OEM 1230 mah battery.

The original battery noticeably improved after a few charging cycles over a week of use, charging all night every night regardless of battery level. Most times it would be around a 1/4 left or so.

It's really quite hard to be exact as I've not found a way to determine exact amount of charge (in percentage) anywhere in the OS, but I'll offer my opinion, each day or two.

Cheers! :)
Battery's in. At approx. 3/4 charge out of the package.

*edit* I didn't mention..the Mugen 1300mah battery is the same physical size as the original. Fits right in.
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Day one-Unplugged at 6:00am, back on the charger at 11:00pm at roughly 1/4 battery remaining. This is about the same as I'd get with the factory battery.

I did realize much improved life with the original after a week or so of charge cycles, so I'm interested in seeing if the same holds true w/ the Mugen.

For now, I see no discernible gain...back in a few days though with a "after conditioning the battery" report.

Cheers! :)
* update *

I'm not convinced the Mugen isn't worse than the original HTC battery. Trying a few "run to red light flashing, charge to full" cycles to see if it improves.
* update *

I've been using the Mugen 1300mah battery a little over a week now. Last night before bed, I switched back to the original HTC battery and charged it overnight. (as I've been doing with the Mugen)

No change in settings, same basic usage as any of the other days...I've got slightly more indicated battery left now than I did with the Mugen at this time of day over the past week. I really wish we had the ability to read battery level as a percentage or something more accurate but as it is, all I can say is I've got what looks like 1/3 or so left when I'd have 1/4 or so showing with the Mugen.

I'm in no way saying the Mugen is crap, this is only my experience with this one battery in this one phone.

In this case, the OEM battery wins.

Cheers. :)
So back to this..still wishing for more longevity from my Surround. I have a Samsung Galaxy S as well and the battery is the same physical dimentions as the Surround battery, yet it's rated 1500mah.

It has only three contacts compared to four on the HTC, or I might just stick it in there.

My point being, obviously it's possible to cram more mah's in the same size battery..why hasn't someone?

thanks for the link info
I hate to resurrect this thread, but I don't feel it needs a new one.
Is 5 hours average all we can expect from battery life or is it just mine?
Is the yahoo mail bug still there because I have an email account setup, but all my email accounts are set to check hourly. The phone is still new to me so I'm playing with it a lot. I just notice a lot of drain when in idle.
You shouldn't expect more than about 4.5-5 hours of "screen on" time. The phone is rated 240 minutes talk time (4 hours), and screen on while browsing or doing something processor intense like, streaming video or gaming draws about the same power, at least in my experience. If you are only getting 5 hours of off charger time, then you have a problem. With light/moderate use, you should be about to get through a full day.

Yahoo bug is resolved. I sync my Yahoo account every 30 minutes and don't see any huge data or battery draw from using it. To test, just change the account to manual for a day or two and try to sync only when you have a WiFi connection. You can check your data usage with the AT&T app before/after the the test to see how many MBs you used. I check it almost every day. And yo can sort measure your battery usage based on your normal patterns.

Sent from my HTC Surround using Board Express

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