Futuregram - a new, futuristic Instagram client

Ryan ODonnell

New member
Feb 14, 2014
Futuregram ad.jpg
Hi all, I am working on an Instagram client with direct messaging and the normal features that Instagram has.
It looks more futuristic than the iOS & Android versions of Instagram, but you can be the judge of that.

Full list of features in this app include:
  • Unlimited photo and video uploads
  • Instagram direct messaging
  • Search users, hashtags and search using images stored on your phone
  • Save images
  • Regram
  • Direct share to Facebook & Twitter
  • Basic photo editor with four effects
  • 512MB compatible
  • Windows Phone 8.1 compatible
  • Lock screen app (for Windows Phone 8.1 only)
  • Cortana integration (for Windows Phone 8.1 only)
  • Home feed

A beta will be coming soon and will be uploading screenshots shortly.
This isn't a competition against 6tag, but it is more featured than Instagram BETA!

Let me know what you think!
Looking for testers!

Here is a few more screenshots (the lock screen app is a concept!):
home.pngLOCK SCREEN APP.png

Follow Futuregram on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and our website:
Twitter - @FuturegramApp
Facebook - www.facebook.com/FuturegramApp
Google+ - https://plus.google.com/100236142196926872141
Official website - http://www.futuregramapp.co.nr/
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seems pretty! I can help with testing :D is there video sharing? regram and stuff?? :D
This is an example of the accent color change.
You will be able to further personalise your Futuregram experience by changing the accent color on your Windows Phone device.

Whatever Your Style.jpg
Thanks for supporting the Windows Phone platform. Looking forward to test your great app!

I love Windows Phone! I've been with it since last year with a Huawei Ascend W1, then moved up to a Nokia Lumia 635! I've tried many Instagram apps such as 6tag, Instance and Instagram BETA, so thought I'd make my own! :)
I registered for the beta. Would love to see more screenshots :)

The only thing that concerns me is the issue we had last year with third party instagram apps on windows phone and the hashtag situation when accounts got flagged.

I'm curious as to how this issue has been prevented with futuregram?
I registered for the beta. Would love to see more screenshots :)

The only thing that concerns me is the issue we had last year with third party instagram apps on windows phone and the hashtag situation when accounts got flagged.

I'm curious as to how this issue has been prevented with futuregram?

Thank you! I will do more screenshots as I progress with the app development!

Regarding your question about the accounts getting flagged, this shouldn't happen!
I'm testing on my own acccount at the moment and I haven't been flagged yet, but will have to wait and see if I do, I'll give them a week.
I'm curious about notifications. I love 6tag but the notifications were terrible and never worked. So I've been using the official beta just to get the push notifications. Can you give us any idea about that? Btw already signed up for the beta 😊
I'm curious about notifications. I love 6tag but the notifications were terrible and never worked. So I've been using the official beta just to get the push notifications. Can you give us any idea about that? Btw already signed up for the beta ��

Thank you!
As for notifications, I have not yet implemented this into the software, I aim to have this done by beta 2 of the app, instant notifications for all! :wink:
Wow may I ask where did you learn C# from and how did you design this amazing app?
Sent from my RM-914_im_mea3_380 using Tapatalk
very Nice Concept! Registered :) do You have an Eta for the Beta Starting?
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