I'm a dummy who likes Windows Phone

Bittah Pupil

New member
Dec 24, 2015
My first smartphone was an Android and it was for work. It works well for my job needs since I can use my Google account for a lot of things. Then for my personal, I was debating between iPhone, Android or Windows Phone. Well I was already familiar with iOS since I had an iPod but iPhone was too pricey. For Android, I already had one and could've just got another one with dual-sim. But I was curious about Windows Phone.

I did some research, and I liked the tiles. I went to a local Microsoft Store, played around with a few and liked the tiles customization, that there's a removable battery and microSD slot. So then I decided, "Heck, why not?" My first WP was an Acer Liquid M220 that I got earlier this year. After a few months of it, I decided I wanted bigger and faster so then I got a used Lumia 640 in great condition and liked it. Then I got a used Lumia 535 for dual sim purposes. The phone is less stellar than the 640, but it does what I need it to do but I do want to get back to my 640. Then I got my dad a new Lumia 640 via Black Friday deal and he likes it for its simplicity. I got to play around with the 950XL but there's no way I'm spending that much for it or the 950.

So I've been lurking around here for a while and I'm very well aware of the app gap and it doesn't bother me much. I don't need SnapChat or FB. I got 6tag for IG, music apps, a couple of games, and Here Drive and Maps, which is freaking wonderful that I can download certain maps and use it offline. The stock weather and sports app is enough to satisfy my needs. Again, this is for my personal phone. If I need more apps for productivity, I still have my Android for work. I may have adopted WP at a shaky time, but for now I'm satisfied with it.

I like gadgets and I don't have any particular brand loyalties. I just use whatever is helpful or convenient for me. Heck, I'm typing this on my MacBook Pro. Call me eclectic.
Hi and welcome to WindowsCentral. :smile:

You're not dumb at all! Lots of folks use multiple platforms. It's nice to try different things.
Welcome to Dummies-R-Us. We look forward to hearing about your future experiences.
I'm in that club I guess, except I dumped android and went all Windows for my wife and I. Like Bittah Pupil, at work we use Google Apps and so far I haven't had any issues with accessing any of the data on Google drive and of course the GMail is added to my Outlook Mail. As for the Google Calendar I have added it to the Calendar App and have been using the Calendar App as my Primary Calendar. One thing about work we are a Windows Environment and I have begun the Migration to Windows 10 all around. The staff that are now in Windows are crazy about Windows 10, however I am the lone wolf with a Windows Mobile device out of more than 75 staff. I am frugal and need practical devices and my 950 fits the bill for me at work and home. So far, I haven't missed the few Google Apps that were on my 7 years of Android devices that are not available in the Microsoft Store.
The Windows Maps on the phone is cleaner looking then Google maps when driving in day or night. I do travel occasionally for work and pleasure and so far the Windows Maps have been helpful.
We will see what Microsoft has up it's sleeve to get more iOS and Android users to cross over to the "Microsoft Side"!
Sorry, couldn't resist the pun, just saw The Force Awakens ��
Welcome to the forums ya big dummy! J/K

I like gadgets and I don't have any particular brand loyalties. I just use whatever is helpful or convenient for me. Heck, I'm typing this on my MacBook Pro. Call me eclectic.


Being a brand loyalist in this day and age, especially with smartphones, is ridiculous. I have a Lumia 1520 which provides a fantastic Windows 10 Mobile experience, and I love certain things about it, but I also carry an iPhone 6S Plus because nothing sucks worse than not being able to participate in what your friends, family, and coworkers are doing. I couldn't keep saying "I can't, because they don't have that for Windows Phone" any longer.
I always tell people to use the right tool for the job at hand. That goes for devices you use as well. If you have certain needs, get what best fits them.

I use Windows 10 Mobile on my Lumia 640, because it fit my needs. I have Windows 10 on my laptop. I got rid of my big, liquid cooled desktop gaming rig, because it no longer fit my needs. I sort of quit gaming after I hit 50.

I have about as much need for SnapChat as I do for an ingrown toenail, and I feel they would both induce about the same amount of pain on me, so I'm perfectly fine in an app ecosystem that doesn't have it. ;)
I always tell people to use the right tool for the job at hand. That goes for devices you use as well. If you have certain needs, get what best fits them.

I use Windows 10 Mobile on my Lumia 640, because it fit my needs. I have Windows 10 on my laptop. I got rid of my big, liquid cooled desktop gaming rig, because it no longer fit my needs. I sort of quit gaming after I hit 50.

I have about as much need for SnapChat as I do for an ingrown toenail, and I feel they would both induce about the same amount of pain on me, so I'm perfectly fine in an app ecosystem that doesn't have it. ;)

Amen rhapdog....I need tools to get things done...although there are some great apps and games crossing over to Windows Mobile lately
Welcome to WindowsCentral. Most of the folks here are multi OS users in one way or another so no worries if you use various devices. Nice intro post by the way...

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