640 - I can't wait


New member
Jun 25, 2013
The 640 is the phone that finally gets me back to a Windows phone. I think this could be a home run for MS.

I've previously had a 920 and 1020 and then jumped to Android because there was nothing at a decent price point, with a good camera, 4G LTE and an HD screen to keep me on Windows. I bought a 630 but the screen and camera killed it for me.

I'm currently using a Moto G but can't wait to get a 640. At last MS is doing something right.

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Although I see the 830 is down to ?199. That's tempting.

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android
Still waiting for it to be available..... BTW, I hope this baby has no problem using a 64GB sd card??
I wish T-mobile would give a release date already. I'm running a 635 and am ready for an upgrade!
I'm thinking how will the 640's camera be.. I have a lumia 720 for over a year now, and the two things which I think while considering this phone are one: the lumia 720 looks a lot better then 640(IMO) and I'm still not sure if the camera on the 640 Is going to be better. Can any body shed some light on my second point. And its not just the MP that counts.
Still waiting for it to be available..... BTW, I hope this baby has no problem using a 64GB sd card??
It allow to use up to 128GB, so I think it's no problem.

I can wait.
Yeah, I really want 640 but I can wait too. I'm definitely waiting for some review just to make me sure. And availability in Indonesia could be one month later, in here 435 is just launching last week, maye 640 would be in May. Lol
Although I see the 830 is down to ?199. That's tempting.

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Check your local carphonewarehouse.. they have been selling the 640 for the past couple of days.. my partner had a look at one this morning even though she is waiting for the XL.

Their website has no sim free price but in store they quoted ?139.99
Using a Moto G with LTE and this is a tempting model for me. If it basically gets me the same performance with a new OS to play with and better camera, that might just be enough to get me to buy.
Using a Moto G with LTE and this is a tempting model for me. If it basically gets me the same performance with a new OS to play with and better camera, that might just be enough to get me to buy.

Same phone that I'm using. It's a good phone but the lag is killing it for me and the camera isn't great. I'm just waiting on stock coming in locally.

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�� I see a lot of "Coming soon" for the XL but I want the smaller size.
This is the first WP after long life with Windows Mobile (HTC Tytn, Tytn II, Pro 2, HD2) and Android, my current OS, I have two Galaxy Note 4, this new experience with Microsoft must be smaller in screen, so 640 is good to add in my second pocket opposite to Note 4 :wink:
Same phone that I'm using. It's a good phone but the lag is killing it for me and the camera isn't great. I'm just waiting on stock coming in locally.

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android

It works fine for me, but I sort of keep my apps to a minimum. Mostly just bored with Android - been using it nonstop since Christmas 2009. Could use some variety that only Windows can offer.
My Lumia 640 comes today. I've not been this excited about a phone in a long time. It will be my move away from my iPhone 5. I don't rate the build quality of my iPhone.
Tomorrow I'll receive my gift from amazon.it, my expectations are not so big, but I would like to explore WP, meanwhile the Note 4 is not easy to replace

Galaxy Note 4 + Gear 2
I got my black Lumia 640 today and have been playing with it for a couple of hours.

My first impression is that this is an excellent device. MS have really stepped up their game with this and have corrected a lot of Nokia's mid-range mistakes. The camera is quick and take good photos, the screen is brilliant, and it feels perfect in the hand, it's very light and thin.

I picked it up at Carphone Warehouse for ?139 sim free.

If you're on the fence or unsure just get one, this will be a massive seller for good reason.

My Moto G LTE is going on eBay later tonight.
I have my 640, first impressions?

Good display
Too big space near screen, so big dimensions respect display
Good audio speaker
Fluid and reactive
Medium level general look and materials
Good features-price ratio

I cannot replace ny Note 4, prime in materials, features and technology, but for first employ, this 640 is perfect.

Galaxy Note 4 + Gear 2

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