WP 7.8 on 710 for T-Mobile


New member
Jan 25, 2013
Has anyone installed the WP 7.8 .cab files on their T-Mobile 710 yet?

I would like to try it but I want to know if this has any effect on Internet Sharing.

Attached jpg screenshots of what my folders looked like before each update and the WP7 Update Cab Sender windows...

I installed 8779 and 8783 at the same time along with the English - United States (0409), Spanish (0C0A) and Chinese (traditional) (0404) language packs
and then...
I installed 8858 with the English - United States (0409), Spanish (0C0A) and Chinese (traditional) (0404) language packs

Here's the process I followed:
1) Disabled lock screen password (just seemed like a good idea)
2) Start Zune desktop application, sync files, close Zune
3) Run WPSupportToolv2 (I ran into an error without installing it)
4) Run WP7 Update Cab Sender Tools
5) Start WP7 Update Cab Sender, select L to read logs - verify connectivity
6) Select B to backup and send files
7) Wait
8) Be patient
9) Repeat once
10) Enjoy WP7.8

I hope this helps someone.

Wifi sharing options look the same, don't see any changes.
The icons got HUGE after the update. It's going to take me some time to cuztomize it.
Phone seems zippy. Office docs opened quickly.


  • 8783-1.jpg
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  • 8783-2.jpg
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  • 8858-1.jpg
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I updated with the seven-eighter tool, which worked flawlessly. (Just make sure to select the proper languages!!) It went through the steps without any errors and I'm running 7.8 now. I have no idea how to go about updating the firmware...but I'm sure someone will explain that process eventually! (I Hope!)
Skaughtto... Is the Tmobile 710 the RM-809?? not the RM-803, correct?

Nevermind! Already figured it out by checking behind my battery...updated the firmware successfully as well. Everything seems to be running smooth.
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Nice! I didn't add details or screenshots on sending the firmware cab since it has the potential to brick a phone if you send the wrong one. (Disclaimer: Skaughtto is not responsible if you screw up something.)

My phone has been working well since installing the updates. I haven't noticed any huge advantages to 7.8 just yet. The start screen is nice, I squeezed more pinned apps in a smaller amount of space, but that's been about it.
Same here, phone works great. I ended up updating three 710 phones of people I know. The start screen is definitely the best part, and I also like the new bing lockscreen. Other than that the only change I could find was the ability to change the default search engine to Google in IE. Not quite as much as I was hoping, but it's still nice.

Of course with time we will probably get some Nokia Apps that will require WP 7.8 or the newer firmware...
Thanks guys. I updated mine and everything is working, including Internet Sharing.

I did the firmware update too but not sure what changed.
I have a 710 that came from T-Mobile with v7.2. I could not tether with the Total Internet plan. Upgraded to 7.8 without problems. Still can not tether.

I have a 710 that came from T-Mobile with v7.0. Upgraded to 7.2 with Zune and then could tether with the Total Internet plan. Did not upgrade to 7.8 because I might loose tethering.

Does anyone know if 7.8 prevents tethering with a old grandfathered plan?
I updated to 7.8 and tethering still works fine. I'm on the 5.99 unlimited plan. (grandfathered for a long time)
Yes. I've had tmobile for probably 8 years now with internet. That was back from the tzones days, but now it's unlimited 4G internet. I have it on three lines on my family plan.
I pay 90 (5 My Faves per line + 700 min + Free Nights/Weekends + Unlimited Family TXT) + 18 (3 x 5.99 for Unlimited Internet) + 10 (for 3rd line) = 118 - 12 (Corp Discount) = 107 total + tax. Which is a decent deal overall. I've been paying that since the beginning, only taxes have increased about 10 dollars during that time.

I have always been able to use the upgrades, however I couldn't use the 50 dollar mail-in rebates T-Mobile usually has, since those require a 19.99 or higher data plan... I.e. for the 710 Phones I paid 100 each + upgrade fees. Of course that's all history pretty soon, since T-Mobile is changing it's phone subsidy program. T-Mobile to Kill Subsidies Next Year - Will Attack AT&T in Ads, Offer iPhone Payment Plans | DSLReports.com, ISP Information

So for the next round I'll have to pay full price for phones anyways.
Hey guys I have been trying to update my 710 to the new 7.8, I have tried pushing the cab files to the phone but I can not. I keep getting this message. I also included the files i have to push onto the phone. (languages and the two update cab files). Someone please help me. I have been at this for 2 days. I want to experience the new OS.7.8 cab push error.JPG
I downloaded all the cab files you have and i still have the CHOICE is not an internal or external blah blah and I am tired of seeing this. Please help me.

Attached jpg screenshots of what my folders looked like before each update and the WP7 Update Cab Sender windows...

I installed 8779 and 8783 at the same time along with the English - United States (0409), Spanish (0C0A) and Chinese (traditional) (0404) language packs
and then...
I installed 8858 with the English - United States (0409), Spanish (0C0A) and Chinese (traditional) (0404) language packs

Here's the process I followed:
1) Disabled lock screen password (just seemed like a good idea)
2) Start Zune desktop application, sync files, close Zune
3) Run WPSupportToolv2 (I ran into an error without installing it)
4) Run WP7 Update Cab Sender Tools
5) Start WP7 Update Cab Sender, select L to read logs - verify connectivity
6) Select B to backup and send files
7) Wait
8) Be patient
9) Repeat once
10) Enjoy WP7.8

I hope this helps someone.

Wifi sharing options look the same, don't see any changes.
The icons got HUGE after the update. It's going to take me some time to cuztomize it.
Phone seems zippy. Office docs opened quickly.

It really depends on which method you used to update your Lumia 710. (I used the seveneighter tool because I was too lazy to have to find and download EVERY language pack for WP7.8)

Tethering on my 710 running on T-Mobile US still works perfectly, but I haven't installed the official firmware updates yet. Doing that now.


Just flashed the .cab file that contains the Nokia Official firmware update. It still works perfectly!:cool:
Hey all, New here and new to windows phone. Just moved over from the dark ages of Blackberry.
Anyhow, after reading every post I could find on the subject, decided to try WP7.8. Well after messing with this all day I am discovering no matter what I do I am stuck at 7.5.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
Thanks in advance.

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