Item Description: Mozo Microsoft Lumia 950 XL Wireless Charging Back Cover - Black
Price: 35 shipped US
Carrier Locked or Unlocked?:NA
Condition: Mint condition. Used it on my 950 XL for a week before returning my 950 XL.
Includes: Case with original package.
Item Location: Chicago
Shipping Details: USPS Priority
Payment Options: Paypal Gift
Additional Info: I have to sell this as I have returned my 950 XL and went back to my 1520. The case sitting in the package for last one month.
Contact Info: Please PM
Price: 35 shipped US
Carrier Locked or Unlocked?:NA
Condition: Mint condition. Used it on my 950 XL for a week before returning my 950 XL.
Includes: Case with original package.
Item Location: Chicago
Shipping Details: USPS Priority
Payment Options: Paypal Gift
Additional Info: I have to sell this as I have returned my 950 XL and went back to my 1520. The case sitting in the package for last one month.
Contact Info: Please PM