Recent content by drunkinekted

  1. drunkinekted

    Thoughts on moving to iOS from WP

    I understand how W10M might work just fine for you and others, but IMHO, I suspect some of the approval is related to the tolerance threshold differences inherent to different individuals. Let me give an example. There are very few people I know who will say the iPad Air2 UI is slow of choppy...
  2. drunkinekted

    Thoughts on moving to iOS from WP

    I would probably have done so as well if it wasn’t for the fact that I shattered the screen of my 1520, if it wasn’t nigh impossible to find an original Nokia replacement screen or if I would not lose all the progress of the games I was playing and some other irretrievable data by simply buying...
  3. drunkinekted

    Thoughts on moving to iOS from WP

    The irony of my initial post is just too great for me not to share. One of the secondary reasons for my then premature divestment on Windows Phones was that I suspected that by allocating resources to the dalvik subsystem, Microsoft would have any Windows 10 Mobile phone ultimately running slow...
  4. drunkinekted

    Thoughts on moving to iOS from WP

    There is no doubt that the wide availability of apps is the single biggest advantage iOS has. I continued my stint on it for a while longer enjoying the apps for banks, insurances, educational institutions, not to mention the absolute delight that Safari became with ad blockers. The superb...
  5. drunkinekted

    Thoughts on moving to iOS from WP

    That was the main drive for this post. I expected a bit of a learning curve and adaptation but I never expected having to make compromises other than losing the live tiles. Microsoft has made it very easy to use most of its services in iOS which made the move fairly painless. At the same time...
  6. drunkinekted

    Thoughts on moving to iOS from WP

    Long story short, I gave up on WP after BUILD and the announcement of Astoria but held off until a few weeks ago when its leak expedited my move to iOS. To sum up, I am really hoping the rumored Surface Phone uses x86 code without Astoria so I can go back but I just wanted to point out a few...