Recent content by iGeorge23

  1. iGeorge23

    Windows Phone and Music: Tips & Tricks

    Thanks for this great forum!
  2. iGeorge23

    Instance Blocked?

  3. iGeorge23

    Instance Blocked?

    Same is going on
  4. iGeorge23

    How many of you are planning to stick with WP8 after your current phone?

    I'm definitely sticking. I have already bought the JBL Power Up speakers and the Nokia Purity in ear headphones, so I am hooked in the Nokia eco-system! Plus, I actually like using WP8. I like being different and standing out, because 99% of my friends all have iPhones or Androids.
  5. iGeorge23

    No album artwork?

    Have the exact same problem, and I turned off Xbox music database. Kind of sad that you need to have that on to have the cover art displaying.
  6. iGeorge23

    For the love of GOD!!! Custom notifications!!!

    I agree. That's not an excuse at all. This is pretty ridiculous now.
  7. iGeorge23

    What app to buy using Bing reward money?

    Proshot, weather flow, metrotube
  8. iGeorge23

    Anyone use an SSD as their primary drive?

    Love my Samsung 830. Windows 8 is super fast on it. Everything works well, no worries at all.
  9. iGeorge23

    Does anybody want another PowerUp review?

    Yes, please give a review! I am thinking about picking one up!