Recent content by Jaysurf88

  1. Jaysurf88

    *NEW* Pen issue

    Hi Ladies & Gents, I haven't posted anything negative in here for quite some time which is usually a good thing. I purchased the original Surface Book back in 2017 and have now come to replace the surface pen as I lost the original it came with. I baught the new surface pen, pairs fine &...
  2. Jaysurf88

    SB Gaming Thread....What games are you guys running

    Ive not checked my thread for quite some time, it seems that people are using their SB for gaming after all, I know I am. thus far Alien Isolation is the best graphical experience I've had, hands down this game runs and looks better than on my xbox one. has anyone else had a similar experience...
  3. Jaysurf88

    is anyone still having problems with windows hello a start up?

    Hi all, ive had the SB since it first came out in the UK I don't have any other issues really with the laptop apart from the annoying windows hello where I have to turn It off and back on again at start up to get the camera to work. its a great feature if it worked 100% of the time. the updates...
  4. Jaysurf88

    Forza 6: Apex on SB with GPU

    ill reply to my own question and yours lukewarmchili as I investigated on my own. in short, I wouldn't bother game runs on lowest settings and at shockingly low framerates I wouldn't waste your time, but just incase you want to check it out for yourself.... to add the program to the list in...
  5. Jaysurf88

    SB Gaming Thread....What games are you guys running

    I got that annoyed with rise of the tomb raider that I uninstalled it. frame rates too poor to play. has anyone downloaded and tried the gears of war from the windows store yet? i'm keen to see if it runs well on surface book but im not prepared to take the costly leap. cheers guys, jay
  6. Jaysurf88

    Forza 6: Apex on SB with GPU

    when you say it starts and looks good what exactly have you managed to get working so far? I was about to download the game until I saw this thread. cheers, Jay
  7. Jaysurf88

    updated my SB today with latest firmware updates 8 of 13 updates failed to install!!

    I tried that it only re-installed the updates that had successfully installed last time. any other ideas anyone? cheers, Jay
  8. Jaysurf88

    updated my SB today with latest firmware updates 8 of 13 updates failed to install!!

    hey guys, I'm wondering if any one else has experienced this problem or has the solution. 8 of the 13 updates has failed to install, and when I go check for updates it says my computer is up to date. but when I manually go to check driver versions and update times it confirms that they did not...
  9. Jaysurf88

    SB Gaming Thread....What games are you guys running

    wow its interesting to see just how many of you guys have smashed games on it straight away like I did. Portal 1/2 never played but looks good might be my next steam download. As Geeky as it sounds try Star Trek online if you like space games. its awesome, graphics are good once you've got it...
  10. Jaysurf88

    does anyone have any info on the next firmware update?

    I am experiencing the same issues, windows hello and sleep are also my main concern, hopefully someone has had a chat with Microsoft or something and may have an inkling of when the next update may appear. fingers crossed soon
  11. Jaysurf88

    does anyone have any info on the next firmware update?

    Hi, I was wondering if anyone had heard anything about the next firmware update and when it might most of you probably already know there are some major issues that are still unresolved. cheers, Jay
  12. Jaysurf88

    SB Rise of the Tomb raider game: Very LOW FPS! virtually unplayable...thoughts??

    crazy dude, honestly cant fathom why I'm not getting same fps as you, by copying your settings its greatly improved fps but I'm not seein 25+ more like 16-20 tops. maybe once ive got past the soviet level things will improve. but consistently so far through the game its been 16-20.
  13. Jaysurf88

    SB Gaming Thread....What games are you guys running

    anyone running the windows 10 version of Gears of war?
  14. Jaysurf88

    SB Gaming Thread....What games are you guys running

    ahh I see nice list, do you not get annoyed with letterboxing effect from streaming (black bars top and bottom) I like to play totally full screen