Selecting the right Band 2 size!! Can I get some help?


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Dec 30, 2015
Selecting the right Band 2 size!!

I printed out the Microsoft measurement guide/scale for Band 2 and found out that I was in overlapping zone of Medium and Larage (my size is 183mm). Please suggest the right size for me. Please note that there is no MS store in my country to check the right size before purchase.

Medium size zone is 162 - 188 mm
Large size zone is 180 - 206
Re: Selecting the right Band 2 size!!

If you're using THIS SIZING GUIDE then you may want to consider another guide option for sizing. This chart, printed out to correct accuracy, shows me as needing a large. I am only 67" (170 cm), have a moderate frame and my wrists are not large, so I know that chart is BS. The sizing chart at Best Buy and the one on the side of the Microsoft Band box itself shows me as being just at a medium, or a hair larger than the medium.

You may want to consider the following:
  • What are your fitness/health plans? Meaning, do you consider your wrist size downsizing or up-sizing based on your long-term lifestyle/fitness?
  • Microsoft suggests going to the larger size if you fall in between two sizes.

If you get the large you stand chance of being on one of the last clasp notches with little to no room make it tighter, which is exactly what happened when I tried on the large.

I ended up getting the medium and this is how it fits on my wrist. It fastens comfortably in the middle of the clasp, giving me ample room to tighten or loosen it.
Re: Selecting the right Band 2 size!!

Thanks for your reply, jlzimmerman! .... So for 183mm you are suggesting Large size. Right? .... Is it official somewhere to go larger for larger size of the wrist size fall in between two sizes? .... Any reference URL?
Re: Selecting the right Band 2 size!!

I don't know about mm, but my wrist is about 7.25". I bought the large and wear it on inside my right wrist. It fits fine and if I tighten it all the way is too tight on my wrist, so it works fine for me, but I probably could have also gone with a medium. Which wrist will you wear it on and will you wear it with the display on the inside or out?
Just as a reference between Band1 and Band 2. I wore a medium for Band 1 (I was on the smaller side of the medium), but with the Band 2 the small game me a much better fit, Medium for Band 2 was just a bit too big to get snug.
Re: Selecting the right Band 2 size!!

Thanks for your reply, jlzimmerman! .... So for 183mm you are suggesting Large size. Right? .... Is it official somewhere to go larger for larger size of the wrist size fall in between two sizes? .... Any reference URL?
You would probably be ok with a large. The link I provided above states to go with the larger size if your wrist falls between two sizes.
I fell in the overlap zone. Tried both on and they both fit fine. The Medium was about a click from being wide open and large is about 3 clicks from being fully closed. My thinking was that worse case wearing a little loose was better than wearing too tight if my wrist size ever changed. However is really comes down to you individual wrist size/shape. If you buy it from MS online and it doesn't fit you should be able to return it for the other (so you would just be out the return shipping)
Don't get the large, I was in the same position and got a large, I have to have it as tight as it can go and its slightly too big. When I run I have to wear a sweat band on the same wrist as the band to ensure the band isnt sliding up and down my wrist so it keeps a track of my heart rate.
Re: Selecting the right Band 2 size!!

If you can definitely TRY IT ON. Fit is very important.
Just as a reference between Band1 and Band 2. I wore a medium for Band 1 (I was on the smaller side of the medium), but with the Band 2 the small band gave me a much better fit, Medium for Band 2 was just a bit too big to get snug.

Same for me
Thanks for your valuable feedbacks....I have just placed the order for a medium size band2 for my 183mm (7.2in) wrist... Now I'm putting my finger crossed.. I have to wait couple of weeks as Amazon has no direct shipment option to the country where I live right now!

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