Rubber strap splitting on Band2


New member
Nov 11, 2015
So, I bought my Band2 shortly after release in October. Now, about 3 months or so in, the rubber strap is splitting about an inch off the display right where it becomes flexible. Now, I am not worried about scuffs and scratches, as I am an active-ish guy, but having the strap begin splitting after such a short time is kind of disheartening :unhappysweat:. Is anyone else having an issue like this?
I've had mine a few weeks and just noticed that the strap is starting to split in 2 places. One about an inch to the side of the screen and one near the clasp.
Had my replacement one around 3 weeks and it looks like I've had it way longer than that, love the functionality but I was hoping it would be way more durable than what it is. Mine split while snowboarding on Saturday. Think this will be my last one thank god for Amazon returns.
Mine hasn't started splitting yet, but the strap is all dirty/sticky on the outside, and scratched, rubbed, etc. Basically compared to a Fitbit strap, it looks and feels a night and day of difference. Did you all purchase Complete on the Band2? I opted out this time around, and may regret this... Too late to return now, but those Fitbits are looking more tempting by the day...
I think mine is more than one month old now, so far going good, I do twice a week clean, use cotton swabs,.. So gentle with it, when putting it on and removing, charging...
When I paid ?200 I didn't intend to buy a "baby" rather an elegant but tough activity tracker.. Well.. Well...

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android
Purchased from Amazon UK, their customer service i have found is second to none when anything like this happens though.
I've had mine since the beginning of November, I wear it everyday and most nights, and I haven't had a problem.
When I ordered my hand 2 from the Microsoft store initially I did so without complete that wasn't available on the pre order. I ordered the wrong size that's when I decided to return band and reorder the correct size with Microsoft complete. For ?30 more gives you wear and tear cover for 2 years. Wouldn't recommend buying band 2 without one personally. You can still send back band ordered from Microsoft store within 30 days if your lucky and price has dropped since also. Not had any issues with my Band 2 yet.
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I'm not so much worried about the aesthetics of the band, but the structural integrity. I just don't want a crack to spread and then have the strap fall off rendering the device unwearable. I would suppose that there is some sort of wiring running through each side of the strap since the UV sensor is at one end and the battery at the other. I just don't know if there is any other structural support besides the rubber strap. If there is additional support inside the strap, dealing with the cracks is a patch job. I was thinking that a large heat shrink wire wrap might do the trick.

Aside from the strap, I'm very pleased with the Band2. I like the fact that I can create my own detailed workouts and sync them to the band.
I left my Band 2 in the car on Tuesday, I charge it while driving, and it was a particularly chilly day. Later that day I went to take it out of the car and the strap had burst.

I've spoken with support and sent them photos of the damage, there is no evidence of any scuffing or deformation of the strap, but they have said it is not covered. So now its a ?133 to send it off and get a replacement. With and 8-10 day wait. Maybe I'll buy one from amazon and take the ?60 hit and get it tomorrow instead.

Anyone want to buy a Large Band 2 with a split strap, for ?60 :-(
I thought my band was fine, but after seeing this post I now see that my band clasp is also cracked :( I have complete so im going back to the store and see what they will do
oooo that's not good... wonder if it's happening for fully tightest position. Maybe I'll loosen mine up a bit, keep it to the middle of the adjustment range...
Just got off the phone with support. Apparently these falling apart may be caused by us putting them on our wrists and therefore our fault.
Mine is split the same way on both sides right where the band gets flexible.
Just got off the phone with support. Apparently these falling apart may be caused by us putting them on our wrists and therefore our fault.

what were you thinking!!!!! My Canadian band is a month after USA ones... I wonder if I'll start noticing a month from now. Personally I don't care cause of complete warranty but optically it sucks.
I'm beginning to have the same issue, cracking right where it gets flexible.. I really hope that I can get this fixed since it's looking like a widespread issue.
Just got off the phone with support. Apparently these falling apart may be caused by us putting them on our wrists and therefore our fault.

Are you sure you didn't call Apple Support? Seriously, though, I haven't seen this but we may be looking at the beginning of a big problem.

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