- Sep 27, 2014
- 64
- 0
- 0

The second graph shows my cardio workout I did right after the weights. As you can see the Band didn't even track some of my workout which is no good at all. This workout came from the Microsoft health app and was downloaded to my Band. It was a great workout and as you can see on my Suunto chart my hr got really high. Sadly my Band was not able to get anywhere near the hr my Suunto was able to. When I was in the beginning and end of my workout, with my hr not changing much since I was doing steady state cardio, both trackers were almost identical. Once I began to do the 5rnds lf interval sprints uphill, the Band was not able to give me accurate real time readings and looking at the chart it is clear it did not even track my increased and decreased hr accurately.
I believe my Band may be defective or its possible that for me it is having extreme difficulty tracking rapid changes in hr. I will send this info to Microsoft to see if the band may be defective and see of I can get a replacement.