Pictures & Videos Taken With My Lumia 640


New member
Nov 12, 2012
The Lumia 640 and 640 LTE Dual SIM feature an 8MP rear camera with autofocus, flash and a sensor size of 1/4". Both are capable of 1080p video at 30fps. Also on board is a 1MP front camera suitable for some quick selfies and video at 720p. It seems Microsoft wants to up the game for cameras on the 6xx series, through inclusion of more pixels and the always welcome addition of flash. Users should have no problems turning in some nicely done photos and videos.

Let's see 'em right here!!! Post your pics and vids below...


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re: Pictures & Videos Taken With My Lumia 640

I will be the first one to post here. Here is full sample images, from Z3 in superior Auto Mode (friend took those pics it was his z3), 930, 1020, Canon (300dollar camera), and the 640.

As a heads up I was able to test the 640 for a few days. I didn't think of sharing anything so the pics represent quick, hey lets take some shots. I am posting the link cause I don't think people want to load 500MB in their browser.
re: Pictures & Videos Taken With My Lumia 640

Just saw someone posting beautiful pictures taken on Lumia 640. Wanted to share here.

The camera seems to be good. Below are the pictures from @detkodave from instagram.
Sent from Lumia 1520 via Taptalk


  • 6tag-248642303-955161019601387852_248642303.jpg
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  • 6tag-248642303-954252069607571650_248642303.jpg
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re: Pictures & Videos Taken With My Lumia 640

In my opinonion colour representation can be saturarted somewhat, but the level of detail and the white balance is more than acceptable on a device in this price range. I've found using the 'fix' feature in the edit mode can also make a good picture even better.

Original image

Fixed & Cropped Image (Using the edit feature within the phone)


I know the images differ slightly, but I wasn't sure which one was the saved edit of the original - but you can see the brightness and detail are better in the 2nd pic.

A few more snaps for your viewing pleasure.




Better idea on colour in these



Front Camera.


I'm by no means an expert, but the camera(s) on the 640 has performed above my expectations - I'm very happy with it.
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re: Pictures & Videos Taken With My Lumia 640

My father has taken some pictures recently.










re: Pictures & Videos Taken With My Lumia 640

Your father has a good eye and I like his choice of subject matter. Nice pics.

Quick question? Is a framing grid turned on? I like Rule of Thirds. Helps me compose better, IMHO.
re: Pictures & Videos Taken With My Lumia 640

One of the reasons I used my Jump on T-Mobile to jump "down" to the 640 is because I can't stand the camera on the M8. I wanted to take some pics for comparison for myself but thought I'd share. I'm not a photographer so all the pictures below were taken on auto. I cropped one to remove something at the top of the picture, but other than that they're not altered. I'm not disappointed that I made the switch even though the Lumia is "lower-end" compared to the M8. The first pic of each set is the M8, the second the 640. On the low light pictures the M8 look too dark compared to the Lumia. On the outdoor pictures the M8 looks washed out. IMHO, the 640 wins hands down.

1-HTC M8.jpg1-Lumia 640.jpg2-HTC M8.jpg2-Lumia 640.jpg3-HTC M8.jpg3-Lumia 640.jpg4-HTC M8.jpg4-Lumia 640.jpg5-HTC M8.jpg5-Lumia 640.jpg6-HTC M8.jpg6-Lumia 640.jpg
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re: Pictures & Videos Taken With My Lumia 640

Here's a low light photo I took of a beetle. I used Rich capture and left all the settings at default and I kept my hands as steady as possible. The image came out better than I was expecting.
re: Pictures & Videos Taken With My Lumia 640

wanted to add two pictures i took today with my new 640. i am impressed!WP_20150627_17_38_17_Pro.jpgWP_20150627_17_38_46_Pro.jpg
re: Pictures & Videos Taken With My Lumia 640

Pic 1 & 3 use RichCapture Mode, Pic 2 Normal

sunset, richcapture. Nofilter.
re: Pictures & Videos Taken With My Lumia 640

I got my Lumia 640 yesterday. Since my Lumia 920 broke and my Lumia 930 got stolen I was used to manual camera control and good low light shots. I knew the 640 would fell behind his predecessors but I got pleasantly surprised after I took my first night shots.

The first picture was a result of a lacking viewfinder adjustment and the fact that the shutterspeed doesn't adjust itself automatically if I set ISO and brightness. This is a bit odd, but I think I will get used to it. If you look at it closely you can see that the moon is captured quite well!

re: Pictures & Videos Taken With My Lumia 640

All settings on the 640 were left at default, all I did was add a filter with software on my PC.

re: Pictures & Videos Taken With My Lumia 640

some more inside with my new 640 :) no filters applied

re: Pictures & Videos Taken With My Lumia 640

LC5 all auto, no edit.... I just love the colours coming straight out from this phone.


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