Lumia 640 design flaw?


In this cover I have tape-kind of raisers. I guess it could be enough to make a channel from speaker hole towards the USB-connector slot, shave off half of back back cover thickness. I have another white cover to experiment if I get my hands on a proper tool :)

Thanks RumoredNow for fixing orientation of the previous image :)
Curious devices. Never seen them before, with magnetic attachments. Do you use them much?
Nope. They are like Rich HDR on 640: need time to use them on. Results are OK'ish, specifically macro - not microscope but reading IC labels is easy. Summer is coming and there will be lots of interesting stuff in moss and grass and landscapes and sunsets too wide for normal field of view :)
I went for magnetic ones because I didn't want the clip on screen, but clip-on type would be better for multiple person selfie ;) Maybe I need selfie stick...

Some examples here: this should be shared directory

Actually the easies way to help sound get out, would be two drops of glue (PVA or something that does not spread too much and will be transparent when dry), one near spaker exit and another symmetrically on the other side :devil:
Actually the easies way to help sound get out, would be two drops of glue (PVA or something that does not spread too much and will be transparent when dry), one near spaker exit and another symmetrically on the other side :devil:

Finally had time to try this out. So far they (two dimples on the right) are still present :)
I tried glue, and gluing some clear rubber pads to the back but they all fell off eventually. Removing the rubber flange as mentioned earlier worked ok. Sound is still reduced if the port is blocked but not as much as previously. Between that and the non existent vibration on the 640 I miss a lot of notifications. The 520 I had before this had the exactly the same design flaws, if anything the 640 is worse.

I have a long list of issues that will mean my next phone is a not a Windows phone. But missing calls and notifications is probably the main one.
The 640 is definitely worse than the 520. The 520 back started rounding around the sound port where as the 640 is just flat.

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