Lumia 640 LCD display issue


New member
Dec 12, 2013

Last week I bought a Lumia 640, upgrading from the Lumia 520. I'm very happy with it. But...

Since Day One I've noticed a dullness on the top part of the LCD, i.e. it's slightly but noticeably duller and only perceptible against white and light grey. Three of the four sides (left, right and bottom) are bright and sharp, whereas the top portion is soft and slightly dull. I left the display on at full brightness for an hour with a white background hoping it would even out the dullness, but to no avail in the end. The picture below is taken at around 50% charge, maximum brightness:

DSCN20356 copy.JPG

Here is the 640 next to my old 520 (you can see why I upgraded):

And the 640 next to the 635 (left) and the 720 (middle):

EDIT: Those are specks of dust on the screen, not dead pixels.

Now, I can live with this, however I'm one of those guys who most of the time cannot unsee what has already been seen.

My question: Is this normal? Is it within normal manufacturing variation? And is it strong enough to request an exchange?

Your input would be greatly appreciated.

Cheers. :)


On a side note, the 640's display, even at full brightness, is weak compared to my old 520, the 635 and 720, which I compared side-by-side last night. A minor downgrade in an otherwise great all-round product.
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I run my 640 on max bright in Brightness Profile, High Brightness Setting and Auto Adjust.

If I call up a new (blank) tab in edge and examine the white page that results...

I don't see this.

There would be some small amount of fade if I tilt the phone and don't look at it head on. But head on? Nope. Uniform top to bottom and left to right.
I run my 640 on max bright in Brightness Profile, High Brightness Setting and Auto Adjust.

If I call up a new (blank) tab in edge and examine the white page that results...

I don't see this.

There would be some small amount of fade if I tilt the phone and don't look at it head on. But head on? Nope. Uniform top to bottom and left to right.
How did I not see you comment earlier?
Sorry. :)

Yeah, I run mine on High brightness, too, at maximum in Brightness Profile for most of the day and then Auto at night.

Thanks for your input. It seems we have a 50-50 rate here: aybarrap1 has dull patches on his display whereas you, RumoredNow, don't.

A short update: I submitted an enquiry to the place of purchase and in a follow-up phone call requested I come in tomorrow and show them my phone. They initially offered to exchange the 640 for the 650, however because it's a technically inferior phone (save for the AMOLED display, 5MP FFC and premium styling) I firmly replied that I'll stick with another 640.


I've uploaded two more pictures in my first post so people can see what the 640's screen look next to my old 520 and my mum's 635 and 720.
They initially offered to exchange the 640 for the 650, however because it's a technically inferior phone (save for the AMOLED display, 5MP FFC and premium styling) I firmly replied that I'll stick with another 640.

IDK, I'd be tempted by a 650. Built for W10M is supposed to be smoother on the 650/550 than the 640.

Check this thread:

And chancooluk also has some good sample pics here:

In the field the SD 212 vs SD 400 are supposed to be very close in performance + like you said, that display and me personally, I dig the style of the 650.

I'd put one in my hand and fiddle a bit before passing on it.
Interesting read given that the 640 is essentially an 830 but with a lower quality camera.

Considering the 650 over the 640 I can't help but keep thinking about what I would miss: a larger battery and arguably longer battery life; FHD 30p video; rich capture; the option to downgrade to WP8.1; a better overall display; a superior GPU; a more capable SoC; doubletap to wake; and I do like the simple polycarbonate styling too.

In my mind, the pros for the 650 are too few: AMOLED screen (which can be a con, too, depending on the quality), premium design and 5MP FFC. It's simply not compelling enough.

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