Pictures & Videos Taken With My Lumia 650


New member
Nov 12, 2012
The Lumia 650 features an 8MP rear camera with autofocus, flash and a sensor size of 1/4". It is capable of 720p video at 30fps. Also on board is a 5MP wide angle front camera suitable for some quality selfies and video at 720p. Users should have no problems turning in some nicely done photos and videos.

Let's see 'em right here!!! Post your pics and vids below...


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​If you want some great advice on how to fine tune your photography skills, check out Muessig's thread:[guide].html

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Why isn't anybody posting any photos or videos here.

Shy? :winktongue:

IMHO, it usually takes one brave soul to start and then others follow... But that first pic is a lot of pressure. I don't have a 650 so I can't start it off.
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Haha..maybe thats the case.

I'm really looking forward to some Rich capture results from the Lumia 650. Have plans on purchasing a 650 or 640XL. Camera is one very important feature.
Well, thanks for that.

Is there a way to reduce the sharpening applied by the camera using another app..? Something with a lot of manual controls.
I really like the dynamic range and the colours out of the 650 images but the over-sharpening brings in a lot more noise
Really great, IMHO, alternate Apps for any WP are Camera360 Sight and ProShot. Both have editors. Either may have differing algorithms as well.
Re: Pictures & Videos Taken With My Lumia 650

Taken today , in good light it takes amazing pics ...this was auto mode.


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Can say one thing the original is way sharper with great detail....posting on here does not give justice.
The only time camera suffer is in low light.
Re: Pictures & Videos Taken With My Lumia 650

Great quality and sharpness.
Thanks for starting the thread. Expecting more from you :)
Here is another one of my other dog lol on auto mode similar conditions maybe more sun.


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I've attached a variety of low light pics, outdoor pics, and ffc pics. Hopefully you enjoy them. Interestingly, the Polarr reports the pics as 6.01MP. I'd be interested in finding out if that is accurate and if so, why the camera wouldn't shoot to the full capability of the phone.

Polarr reports the pics as 6.01MP. I'd be interested in finding out if that is accurate and if so, why the camera wouldn't shoot to the full capability of the phone.

You need to set the aspect ratio as 4:3 in order to capture as 8mp.

Yep, as Timbre says. The 4:3 cuts out a larger area than 16:9. Your pics are rectangles that must fit inside the 8MP sensor which is round. Lumia always quotes the round size. This is an example I made for a different sensor... But the idea is the same.

Sensor vs Picture.png
Can't say I like that answer. lol. But, it's nice to know that one exists. And I agree. Being able to shut off the auto correction would be kinda nice. We can turn off the HDR, but, it still says it's applying finishing touches.
Can't say I like that answer. lol. But, it's nice to know that one exists. And I agree. Being able to shut off the auto correction would be kinda nice. We can turn off the HDR, but, it still says it's applying finishing touches.

If your photos are taking a long time to process, try saving them to internal memory. The write speed on your SD slot is probably not keeping up.

Every so often just shift the files back off of Internal to card with Files or when plugged into PC.

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