Review: Two Weeks of Using the Mozo Case


New member
Oct 10, 2012
After two weeks of using my Mozo Case, I can finally conclude that it's not worth to wait for this case.. Maybe I got a defective case, who knows, but I'm definitely not going to wait for it again.

  1. Buttons are not as good as the OE case. it's not as raised, and It also doesn't line up as if it looks like crooked teeth. Just ugly.. I took the case off to take a picture of this crooked buttons, but #2 happened.. Sigh*
  2. Since there's a faux metal coating, it's more prone to cracks whereas the OE case is 100% polycarbonate. It's not like I'm Hulk or something.. I was taking it off gently.. Oh well it is what it is..WP_20160102_16_25_45_Pro.jpgWP_20160102_16_25_56_Pro.jpg
  3. The dreaded creaking. I can live with this, but not #2..
  1. It definitely gives the phone some heft to it, and it made it look a little bit more classy. Still not as good as other high end devices though.
  2. The leather feels nice!

Conclusion: I wasted my money for this.. I'll still use this until the case break down completely lol. Do I recommend this case? Hell no, not for the price and time. I think it's better to wait this out until they get their QC in check.

Off Topic: I'm looking for a white back cover haha
Wow your buttons really do sit off. Did you check to see if the rubber is connected on the little pin? Mine doesn't look that detached but I would agree that QC is needed to catch that.

I actually prefer the buttons over the original, i like that the volumes are raised higher than the power so its easier to distinguish when i adjust it without looking at it. I would agree that it gives it some class and styling but at $50, its hard to justify. The real leather gives it a great feel but i start to think and already have treated it because i feel down the faux would be the better choice for long term.

Sucks to see it cracked and i'll mental note that to be more careful when i take it off. Thanks for the review!
My volume buttons are raised on the OEM cover. I like the buttons on the Mozo except for the power button. It is too low and feels very mushy to press. Often I have to press really hard right on the middle of the button for it work.

I've only had the Mozo for a couple of days, but now that my excitement has worn off, I agree with you, it is not worth the price or wait...

I initially thought the creaking was gone, but nope, its back again... Sigh... The leather feels nice, sure, and I like the extra heft, but I still feel that this was just a massive waste of money...
Another thing I have noticed. I left the phone on a wireless charger for about 4 hours and it was just burning hot when I picked it up. It only charged like 8 % too. I swapped back to the OEM cover, and now there is no issue with it, charged back to full and no excessive heat.
Guess this helped make me decide not to press on getting this cover in a hurry. Lol. Thanks for the update on after some time.
@DeathMojo: The buttons are fixable to an extent, but over time, it'll be buried again.
@Cheecky: Mine OEM case is raised; I'm talking about the Mozo case not as raised.
@ordivergens: Yeah mine is mushy to press as well. We need double tap to wake!
@kwill: No prob!

I'll wait for big case companies to make a back cover for our phone. For now, Mozo is a no go.
If Mugen makes an extended battery the cover will be included and their covers are always nice. Their batteries are pricy.
That definitely needs to be sent back to Mozo for a new one, they've surely got a warranty on it, no?

I couldn't be bothered to touch those things in the first place. They're replacement backs, not cases, so you're paying $50+ and getting no added protection. That, and I find leather phones to look ugly, so it's not my style. Instead, I'm going to get something for under $10 that'll protect my phone, I guess. I got a $4 gel case for my 920, and it lasted 3+ years with no damage to it, despite several falls (one on concrete).
Thanks for the review. Convinced the wife to get something else, unfortunately there isn't much of nothing else and you know how women are with accessories....
Yeah... I have the opposite experience with my Mozo back cover. Looks great, no issues, leather is standing up to wear much better than I expected, and the faux metal band even handled a concrete drop really well.

I'd say you got a bad one, send it back.
Yeah... I have the opposite experience with my Mozo back cover. Looks great, no issues, leather is standing up to wear much better than I expected, and the faux metal band even handled a concrete drop really well.

I'd say you got a bad one, send it back.

Agree with that. My experience with the Mozo is all good so far.
@DeathMojo: The buttons are fixable to an extent, but over time, it'll be buried again.
@Cheecky: Mine OEM case is raised; I'm talking about the Mozo case not as raised.
@ordivergens: Yeah mine is mushy to press as well. We need double tap to wake!
@kwill: No prob!

I'll wait for big case companies to make a back cover for our phone. For now, Mozo is a no go.

Best use the quote button as otherwise the posters aren't going to know if you have responded to them or not lol.

Thanks for posting, if I do end up getting one of these cases I know where to check for defects :). Usually I only use extremely cheap cases heck my ?1 tpu gel case for my L920 has held up pretty darn well over the years.
What should I do for my mozo? It's on the way to me...... Now I am not sure if I'll keep or return it based on reviews.
What should I do for my mozo? It's on the way to me...... Now I am not sure if I'll keep or return it based on reviews.

Well, since it is on the way, I say give it a try. The leather isn't bad, and the metal coated plastic still feels like plastic to me, but I suppose it makes it look better.

I ended up going back to my OEM case because I hate the mushy power button on the Mozo, and I strangely missed the soft touch feel of the plastic, and the MS logo :)

The creaking is horrible on my OEM cover unfortunately, but in a fit of rage I put a TON of scotch tape in there (like literally all inside the cover...) and now it doesn't creak and as a bonus, all that tape added some weight to the phone, so now it feels like I am holding something substantial in my hand :)
What should I do for my mozo? It's on the way to me...... Now I am not sure if I'll keep or return it based on reviews.

Try it out. My review is more of a precaution to be gentle with these cases. I've seen other negative reviews about the Mozo case, but overall the case has mostly positive reviews. Like I said, it's probably just their QC, and who knows maybe yours will be better made.
Best use the quote button as otherwise the posters aren't going to know if you have responded to them or not lol.

Thanks for posting, if I do end up getting one of these cases I know where to check for defects :). Usually I only use extremely cheap cases heck my ?1 tpu gel case for my L920 has held up pretty darn well over the years.

Lol right, I totally forgot about that haha. I have the feather case from incipio for my 920 and 1020 and it did the job pretty well. I also have a clear tpu case for my XL, but it won't fit with my Mozo case lol. It does fit the OEM case snuggly though.
I received a defective red leather one for my XL actually. It came with a hairline crack in the top right corner for one, and secondly the volume down button doesn't sit even. The top part of that button is sunken in completely so the button is on a complete slant. Not happy.
Try it out. My review is more of a precaution to be gentle with these cases. I've seen other negative reviews about the Mozo case, but overall the case has mostly positive reviews. Like I said, it's probably just their QC, and who knows maybe yours will be better made.

Got my red mozo yesterday, actually it's not bad.
Now I'll not hit the power button by mistake when I am trying to push the phone into the pocket. :smile:

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