Finally Cracked the Screen on my Lumia 950XL

Henry Hong

New member
Jan 29, 2016
As the title would suggest, Murphy's Law just happened, and now I am mourning. Not even exaggerating...

I am going to attempt a self repair using OEM parts that are being sold by FoneJoy, fearing that service shops would mess up my beloved phone.
So only the glass on the top left corner has been cracked, visually it is heartbreaking and painful to watch while holding the phone, everything else works fine.

Now the question to you dear readers, would you recommend a amateur like myself to repair it on my own? Or seek "Professional" repair services? (Which I fear may end up doing more damage than just replacing the screen)

Kind regards,

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I have done several screen repairs.
1. dont do it while drinking.
2. you get better each time you do one.
3. the first time you do it, pay close attention.
4. the 950 series seem to be easily servicable.
If you are in the Seattle area I highly suggest to check out IGSM wireless solutions in Bellevue off of main
I have done several screen repairs.
1. dont do it while drinking.
2. you get better each time you do one.
3. the first time you do it, pay close attention.
4. the 950 series seem to be easily servicable.

Good advice. I have performed several screen repairs on different devices too. A few while while drinking :grin: I am a technical person though. If you have done so before, you should be ok. Buy a screen that comes with tools. If you are truly an amateur, practice on something you don't care about first. It is a good skill to have.
Check out YouTube and the internet for tutorial videos and web pages! Watch, Watch Watch! And Read!
As the title would suggest, Murphy's Law just happened, and now I am mourning. Not even exaggerating...

I am going to attempt a self repair using OEM parts that are being sold by FoneJoy, fearing that service shops would mess up my beloved phone.
So only the glass on the top left corner has been cracked, visually it is heartbreaking and painful to watch while holding the phone, everything else works fine.

Now the question to you dear readers, would you recommend a amateur like myself to repair it on my own? Or seek "Professional" repair services? (Which I fear may end up doing more damage than just replacing the screen)

Kind regards,


It's usually pretty easy - SEEK OUT the YOU TUBE VIDEO for your model. Do buy the toolkit if your new screen doesn't come with it.
>>>Edit: Watch the video AT LEAST 3 times !

Peace. Alan
Galaxy S7Edge [MM6.0.1] Full Dresser
Lumia ICON [Win10M 15014.1000] Sportster
Even when I lose, I win.
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OK, I just entered to read because I read the title and though to myself "why someone would like to crack the screen of his phone?" because it's like it sounds.

Welcome to the forum BTW.

I have done a lot of repairs to several devices, not always with the best results, one thing you should do is follow the advices here, (specially the one of not being drunk), watch not only one but several videos, find step by step how to's (I think this one could help you too Lumia 950XL screen replacement, Lumia 950XL, replace Lumia 950XL screen, cracked Lumia 950XL screen) and by all means, be patient young padawan :)
I got mine fixed in November in Toronto. Cost $350. You are more likely to pick up a replacement for the same if not lower
If your*950xl is cracked and still usable, here's a quick low cost solution, which worked for me - I am a graphic designer with access to a print/cut sign plotter. I*scanned the face of my phone, uploaded the scan to Corel*Draw and vectorized the image. I sent the vectored file to*the sign cutter that was loaded with an adhesive lined mylar film.*After taking the*near perfectly cut piece of mylar off the cutter, I applied it to the 950xl as you would a screen protector, and voila! And quite honestly,*it is difficult to see the cracks. A cheap and easy fix to hold you over, and any sign company can do it*.
If your*950xl is cracked and still usable, here's a quick low cost solution, which worked for me - I am a graphic designer with access to a print/cut sign plotter. I*scanned the face of my phone, uploaded the scan to Corel*Draw and vectorized the image. I sent the vectored file to*the sign cutter that was loaded with an adhesive lined mylar film.*After taking the*near perfectly cut piece of mylar off the cutter, I applied it to the 950xl as you would a screen protector, and voila! And quite honestly,*it is difficult to see the cracks. A cheap and easy fix to hold you over, and any sign company can do it*.

So like a car windshield chip repair. Clear adhesive fills in the cracks. Should inhibit crack propagation too.
Well I cracked the screen on my 950 XL on Christmas day. The new phone now only costs half the price of when it was first launch. I called up the service center and asked about the repair cost. I was informed that the screen+display cost half the price of a new phone and I still need to pay for labor. I tried searching on eBay and the screen+display cost about the same as what the service center quoted.
Is it possible to just to change the front screen and use back the old display. Have anyone successfully separated the screen from the display?
I cracked the glass on my 950xl as well. It's on the lower right corner and it doesn't really affect the viewable area of the screen but the looks of put bugs me so I'll try to replace it. Here's what I found: Used screen assembly(glass+ digitizer) on Amazon $115, just the glass(including LOCA glue) about$10 although I don't think it's original Gorilla Glass.
I watched a German tech guy on YouTube doing a glass only replacement on a 950 without even opening the phone(the trick with playing cards and a heat gun /hair dryer)
I'll give that a try, worst case scenario I'll brake the screen and bite there bullet and replace it with the$115 one, still half the price of Palco and a fairly diy
Going to be attempting this myself on an upcoming weekend, using the wire method to sheer it off while my wife holds the heat on the screen to keep the glue soft.

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