[Real Users] My Lumia 950 Review


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re: [Real Users] My Lumia 950 Detailed Review

Hmm, I could have sworn that wasn't there before. Let's hope it's true. That's one less reason for me to go for the 950 XL then. :)

All of my research has pointed to both phones having fm radios.


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Nov 10, 2010
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re: [Real Users] My Lumia 950 Detailed Review

I have a standard AT&T 950 in black.

The build quality is mostly fine. I'm itching to replace the plastic back cover with a Mozo or something, but it'll suffice. The thing is when you tap it where it attaches... I don't know I might be crazy, but it kinda reminds me of plastic tupperware.

The screen is stunning, bright and crisp. USB 3.1 is fantastic with my Skylake PC. And can we get an Amen for removable battery?

The OS is a little choppy still compared to the uber-slick 8.1, but it more than makes up for it with the overall new look. The icons... The menus... AND ACTIONABLE NOTIFICATIONS. My goodness, they're worth their weight in gold.

There are APPS!!! AND THEY WORK! Facebook... Instagram... UBER! These aren't betas anymore. They are glorious and beautiful first-party apps catered to the WP10 interface. Windows Phone is back in the game, baby. I love the new maps app. Much like HERE Maps and Drive, Microsoft once again has the best navigation system on earth. It's crazy intuitive and a little too smart (taking my old routes and favorites from my 920). Groove Music is spectacular. Outlook is great and trust me, I've HATED IT all during the Insider program. But it's good now. Real good and real usable.

Windows Hello is going to be a showstopping, killer, tell-your-friends feature. My roommate was blown away. Hey Cortana is similarly a wonder as it combines the always-on cleverness of Google Now with... well, with Cortana, which was already the most accurate AI assistant.

The bad...

Windows Camera has a long way to go. Going to your Collection (formerly Gallery) from the Camera app is a nightmare and a half. Bugs and glitches and missing files galore. The Photos app is much better, but the refresh time can be frustrating after taking a new 1080p60 or 4K video or photo burst. It has more to it, but it doesn't FEEL as good as 8.1. Overall, the Camera and photo functions are just not very good, even if the pictures (including low-light) are pretty. Microsoft needs to up their game FAST in this area.

Microsoft Edge is just... not up to par yet. It's clumsy with render certain sites (yup, Windows Central too). I can't use WordFlow typing? The tab screen leaves a lot desired as far as navigation. Not intuitive, but I'm used to it by now.

Finally, the combination of pivots and hamburger menus creates issues with swipe registration. I'll want to yank a pivot up and get a hamburger or vice versa. It's annoying periodically, but fairly rare after a few hours. Good news is that I don't miss the hardware buttons and the haptic, on-screen versions are great and don't get in the way.

That's my knee-jerk review. Hit me with specific questions.

Very Very well written and honest review ( not to mention the1st) ......I so needed to hear encouraging words. I was aiming for the 950 XL 5.7 ( Size Queen) ha ha ha ... But" I have changed my plea to Guilty" ( MOZ quote) for the 950 and you sir have made the bitter pill sweet!!!! Long live 950!!!!!

Weird mood Family

(Damn you AT&T !!!! ) (" Damn Damn Damn" Florida Evans Voice)Good times for you kids


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Jul 14, 2008
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Re: My Quick Review of the 950

Well on that note Microsoft ABSOLUTELY SUCKS, they are one of the worst billion dollar marketing companies out. That is just fact. Always mixed messages and never consistent. That's the one thing that totally baffles me about the company

I curious as to whether they use in-house marketing or an outside company. Either way, they need to change how their advertising and marketing is done.

It appears to me MS assumes we know that their products are great so why make any effort to shout it out. You know what happens MS when you assume something!


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Jul 10, 2014
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re: [Real Users] My Lumia 950 Detailed Review


I love the vibrant screen colors! Everything is so warm and inviting! It is crystal clear and so smooth.

I love the look of this phone. I thought it was a little small next to my Lumia 640xl. I didnt think there would be such a big difference between 5.2 and 5.7 screens.

I am not an apps person, I like to download and poke around them, but I am not an APP *****. Most of these folks that complain about the app situation are very silly to me! This stuff is not that darn serious. Who really needs 50 versions of a chat app???? Who needs 50 versions of a calculator? The problem I have with so called windows phone fans is the lack of pride and back bone! Instead of worrying about developers bringing the same apps over to WP, the users should be taking advantage of the tools microsoft has made available to create apps. We need to be creating the apps we want to see and better than ever. There is help out there if you need it. I dont want to see the same darn apps across every platform. I want my windows phone with apps no one else has! That's why I keep buying windows phones! A lot of people do not have them. But the reaction I get when people see them is wonderful. It makes me feel good.

The iris scanner is fabulous and works in the damn dark too! My coworkers volunteered to be my guinea pigs as I demonstrated this Iris scanner for them. They were amazed! They loved it!

My one thing I dont like is the Heat. The phone gets hot if you try to use it on a charger and after a long time using it. My 640 never got hot! ever! This phone got so hot, if I had an STD, I could smoke the crabs out of my crotch! And probably snack on them too if I had some old bay seasoning. But then I realized thats the genius of microsoft. They not only nourish my technological needs , but my physical needs too! Microsoft knows I need to eat. I now have a phone and a crab smoker! Now how darn cool is that!!?


Aug 11, 2014
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re: [Real Users] My Lumia 950 Detailed Review

It's only been one day, but I've had none of the issues reported elsewhere.

Basically, I'm loving everything about this phone.


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Nov 11, 2013
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re: [Real Users] My Lumia 950 Detailed Review

I just got my 950 yesterday. I have to say that all of the bugs that were causing me problems on my 640 are still there. Apps fail to start and crash more than they should (I'm looking at you, messaging). Edge still likes to show the auto-complete list from the address bar after you have already selected something. I'm willing to put up with most of these problems, but I can't imagine trying to convince an iOS or Android user to switch. It was hard enough when the app gap was the only problem. Hopefully most of this gets fixed in the near future.

The one thing that blew me away was Continuum. I have the wireless display adapter, and the lag was lower than I have experienced when screen mirroring on my other devices. I don't know that I'll ever use it, but Continuum is definitely cool.


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Sep 16, 2015
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re: [Real Users] My Lumia 950 Detailed Review

Damn, played with the 950 today at my AT&T store to help my anxiousness waiting on my 950XL and thought i just couldn't find the double tap setting.. crap, how can they leave that out???
I hope they're listening to us and include it in the first update!!!


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Sep 15, 2014
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L950 - An unbiased review from a casual smartphone user ( switching from iOS and never seen W10M tec

Got my 950 in via FedEx tonight, purchased through AT&T. A brief phone history so you know where I'm coming from. I started my smartphone addiction with the iPhone 3G, the year after it came out. Kept it for a year and then upgraded to the iPhone 4 at launch. A year later, I moved to Windows 7.5 with
the Samsung Focus S. A year later I moved to Windows 8 with the Lumia 920. A year later I got tired of everybody at work playing games with each other that I did not have access to, so I went back to with the iPhone 5s. Two years later, I'm back in on Windows. I decided to come back to Windows Phone because I just really was tired of the drab, boring iOS look. I also realized over the past couple of years that I simply do not use many apps at all. Any that I did use, I could do without.
At unboxing:
*.Version: 1511
*.OS build: 10.0.10586.0
*.Firmware revision number: 01078.00017.15454.29031
*.Hardware revision number:
*.4.33GB used out of 29.1GB available out of the box. 4.62GB used after updating all pre-installed apps.
*.Came charged at 63% battery.
*.No updates available currently.

It actually saw that I had a backup available from my 920, but I'm a huge fan of configuring new phones from scratch. Plus, it was a 2+ year old backup and who knows what it would've tried to do. The free space available I listed above is from a fresh setup, I've installed/added nothing so far.
First impressions of the hardware is that I like it quite a bit. I was scared it would feel cheap after using my 5s for the past couple of years but so far, I'm not getting that feeling. It's got a nice weight to it, not too heavy, not too light. The buttons on the side feel fine, not "chintzy" like others have described
them, IMO. They're nothing special, they're buttons. The screen is fantastic, I'm glad to be back to OLED but it did make me realize the 5s screen was no slouch. Nonetheless, the screen is great, it's what I expected and I'm happy with it. Brightness looks good to me, I'm one to set a static brightness level instead of letting it control it, and 70% is about where I want to be with it. I'll get more a feel for it once I use it over the next couple of days.
As for the size, I picked the 950 because I just didn't want the size of a 950XL. The 950 as-is already feels like it's pushing what size of phone I want, but I've found
it pretty good so far. I'm 6'4" with normal hands for this size, and I can reach almost everything with my thumb without having to readjust the phone in my hand. One thing I really like about this phone is the squared-ish edges. Makes it far easier to hold onto. My wife has the iPhone 6 and after handling it multiple times, I would NEVER buy it because it's too rounded and slippery. I am not a case kind of guy so that phone is simply unusable to me.
As for the software side, I have not used any Windows Phone software since the 920, not even the preview builds of W10, so this is all new to me. So far, just with
the setup and going through all options and configuring what I want, I've only encountered one minor bug. In the main settings screen, I tried searching for a setting and when selecting the result, it "crashed" back to the start screen. Went right back in and had no further issues. The OS as a whole is very responsive. The only lag I've encountered (and I can replicate) is going into the colors settings. It seems to take a couple of seconds to load for some reason.
Random other notes:
*.I configured my work email and calendar, no issues. Just glancing at the Outlook Mail and Calendar built-in apps, I think I'll like them just fine. I had been using the Outlook app on iOS and it is, IMO, the epitome of mobile email clients.
*.I configured Windows Hello and WOW am I impressed. I have gotten quite used to the fingerprint scanner on my 5s, which works brilliantly IMO. With Hello, I was pessimistic about its ability to log you in quickly enough to make it worthwhile. I can say that is no longer a concern of mine, I am very impressed with how quickly it can identify and log you in. If you hit the lock button to wake up the phone with the scanner already pointed at your face, it's easily no more than 2 seconds. Using the fingerprint on the 5s is quicker to unlock that particular phone but the difference is not going to be a problem for me. The only real disadvantage I see now with Hello is that you have to actually pick up the phone and look at it if you want to use it. I've become accustomed to unlocking with my finger with my 5s laying flat on my desk, so that's a small change for me.
*.Loaded a couple of pages in Edge...nothing exciting to report, it's a browser. It didn't do anything to make me happy or mad, it just loaded the page like I wanted it to. :)
*.Loving the ability to increase the DPI. It really opens up the screen and makes it immensely more useful for what I use a phone for (email, messaging).
*.I only snapped a couple of test pictures with the camera, nothing to judge quality on. I normally shoot photos with my D7100 but will use the camera on my phone for more casual settings. I'm impressed with the built-in options to adjust exposure, shutter speed and ISO, but see no aperture options. Maybe that's not normal on phone cameras, I don't know.
*.Glance is pretty cool. I've configured it to stay on at all times, however I'm unsure if that's a battery drain or not. It will take a couple of weeks to get a fill for how the battery performs.
*.This is my first time actually using Cortana and so far, so good. I had her learn my voice and had zero issues, nailed everything on the first try.

Overall, so far, I'm super happy with this phone in the very early stages. After I purchased it a couple nights ago, I had a slight feeling of buyer's remorse only because I was going into the unknown. That's gone completely now and I'm looking forward to diving into everything I don't have time to do tonight. I know others have already answered lots of questions but let me know if I can help in any way.
- The 950 works beautifully with the DT-910 wireless charger. I bought one when they were on clearance at the Microsoft store for $20 a month ago. I
had one of these with my 920 and sorely missed it, so happy to have this sitting on my desk again. :)
- At work this morning showing off the phone, and Hello didn't work. Once I did the "Improve Recognition" option, it worked perfectly again. I expect to do this a few times to work out multiple lighting conditions, which is no big deal.
- Tried Hello again in my car during lunch, just because I can. It is very sunny this afternoon with no direct light on the phone or my face, however it wouldn't log me in. I then tried again to "Improve
Recognition" but it couldn't "find" my eyes. So apparently on a bright sunny day in the shade, it won't work (for now).
- Connected to my 2013 Ford Escape MyTouch system via Bluetooth. No sync issues. Track information when playing my OneDrive cloud music through the Groove app is shown on the display. I have not made any calls yet but so far, no different between the 950 and the 5s before it.
- I decided to disable Windows Hello. It needs to be too close to my face to work, which I don't care for. Even though
I'm impressed with how quick it works, it just doesn't feel practical to me. I'll revisit it down the road to see if I change my mind.
- I'm really impressed at the speed of charge, at least through the wall adapter that's included. I let the battery run all the way down until the phone turned itself off (seemed to be at about 5%, it didn't go to 0%). I then plugged it in and about 15-20 minutes later, it was charged up to 50%. Another 60-90 minutes later, it was at 100%.
- I'm starting to run into a LOT more bugs in the OS, which is disheartening. These basically take the form of
programs crashing or not responding for more than a few seconds, causing frustration. The biggest thing that pissed me off this morning was that I wanted to take a picture of my daughter and text it to my wife (she's out of town). First thing I found odd is that I can't take a picture to attach from within the messaging app, I can only select ones I've already taken. OK, no big deal, I'll handle.
So I open the camera app, take my picture, then go back into messaging. I select the option to attach a picture and when it brings up my local and OneDrive pictures, I tried to select the one I had just taken. It wouldn't select. The whole
thing started acting stupid. I'd press the little box to select the picture and it'd collapse the whole row, or select all the pictures, or do nothing, or make the page scroll. It was the craziest thing I'd ever seen. I backed up, close the apps, tried again. Same thing. Once again, closed the apps and went back in, had some initial problems still but it finally selected just the picture I wanted and let me send it. WTF...I was very frustrated with that experience.
- Some sample, full-size pics straight from the phone. The only thing turned off is "capture living images", everything
else is set to auto. Hopefully imgur retained the exif, I didn't check.
- http://i.imgur.com/w6qSUSx.jpg
- http://i.imgur.com/GsYV314.jpg
- http://i.imgur.com/0ROh5aM.jpg
- I'm more impressed with closer shots than anything landscape so far. As I said earlier, the bokeh is distracting and just plain looks weird a lot of times. For what's in focus, the detail looks pretty good. All in all, I'm happy with the camera, it's not going to replace my DSLR and is perfect for what it is, a quick point-and-shoot that I have everywhere I go.


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Jun 22, 2015
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My one thing I dont like is the Heat. The phone gets hot if you try to use it on a charger and after a long time using it. My 640 never got hot! ever! This phone got so hot, if I had an STD, I could smoke the crabs out of my crotch! And probably snack on them too if I had some old bay seasoning. But then I realized thats the genius of microsoft. They not only nourish my technological needs , but my physical needs too! Microsoft knows I need to eat. I now have a phone and a crab smoker! Now how darn cool is that!!?

LOL that made my day!

Jeff Merritt1

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Feb 1, 2013
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re: [Real Users] My Lumia 950 Detailed Review

Battery life is whimsical at best. Hopefully it balances out. I'll write out a full review later today or tomorrow.
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Nov 12, 2012
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re: [Real Users] My Lumia 950 Detailed Review

I always desktop browser the site from my phones... Just sayin'. I forget there are Apps out there and that people use them. So, yet another reason why I don't want a limited function App to do what the website does in 100% compliance.


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May 17, 2011
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re: [Real Users] My Lumia 950 Detailed Review

Received mine last week. Overall, I really like the phone...
Initial impression upon opening the box it that it is rather bland. Uninspired in design. Yet after putting everything together I found that I like the design. And in my most humble opinion it doesn't feel cheap at all. I like the look and feel, it just doesn't make a great first impression. I think the lack of a home button/fingerprint scanner leaves the front looking empty.
The initial set up process still essentially WP in appearance. Hopefully that gets cleaned up soon.
For the most part apps are running well for me. Fitbit is a bit slow. Outlook I love, especially the dark gray theme. When I switch to my Galaxy S6 I miss it so much. I prefer MS maps to Google for some reason, the navigation feature in particular. Strangely when opening a picture on OneDrive the onscreen buttons disappear. A bit of a problem. Overall m I really like the look and feel of W10M. It may not be what everyone likes but I prefer the hamburger menu to all the swiping. And have grown tired of the massive font in WP.
The screen is stunning. Just like the screen in my GS6. I did have an issue with pinkish blush on my GS6 and my gf's Note 4. But this screen is very good, like my older GS4's screen. I love Samsung's AMOLED screens.
Battery life is good. Moderate use and I have no problem getting through the day.
I did have a strange issue yesterday. I lost the cell signal. Had to turn phone off and on to restore. Hope it doesn't happen again.
In short, I love this phone and, at least for the moment, prefer it to my GS6 with Lollipop (which I'm also a big fan of).
El Mono
Forgot to mention Windows Hello. Amazing. I never really liked fingerprint scanners.


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Nov 6, 2015
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re: [Real Users] My Lumia 950 Detailed Review

I always desktop browser the site from my phones... Just sayin'. I forget there are Apps out there and that people use them. So, yet another reason why I don't want a limited function App to do what the website does in 100% compliance.

I usually do too but it seems edge can't handle it as well as chrome. Man I wish I could get chrome on this phone. I don't even use or like edge on desktop, and that version works waaaay better. Oh well, I'm still very happy with this phone!


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Dec 3, 2013
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re: [Real Users] My Lumia 950 Detailed Review

I have had my 950 since Friday. My first reactions from initial use are:
1) The OS is much more stable than I feared it might be. I had tried out several 10 builds on my 1020 and ran whimpering back to 8.1 because of all of the bugs. The improved hardware makes a huge difference, and the only bugs I am finding are slightly annoying as opposed to limiting in my daily use. Overall I like the performance; the integration with other Windows 10 devices (so far have upgraded a tablet and a laptop), while limited, is still great to see.
2) The phone does get hot and burns battery life; but, as others have reported, it seems to be getting better over time as the synchronization with other windows 10 devices and other background tasks start to round out. That said, I clearly get less usage of the 950 on a full tank than I did with the 1020 in similar conditions.
3) I like the camera. As a 1020 user, this was my biggest hesitation. I had more limited success with the 1020 in low light situations and was hoping that the 950 would be substantially better; but, I am still getting used to the triple flash...initial photos in low light have come back washed out (this is a powerful flash). I am hoping my increasing familiarity with it will improve the results. In natural light, the pictures have been fantastic.
4) small things are still a little annoying (i.e., can't get MSN weather to actually post to Glance screen, even though it is an option in settings; inability to save pictures directly in cortana/bing search...have to go out to actual website and save from there, calendar notices on Glance/lockscreen always only show birthdays if that is active from your outlook/facebook account and not meetings from your exchange account). There are plenty more, and I am sure that some of them are user error/ignorance; but, it does feel like there are a lot of edges which haven't been rounded off. This isn't particularly shocking and, as stated before, I'm just thankful things are as stable as they are.

Overall, I am happy with the purchase. The hardware itself is phenomenal, and the improved office software/integration with other devices is returning WP to a friendlier stance for those of us power users in the corporate community...a really welcome sight.

Edit after increased use: Still happy with the phone; but, as one would expect, I have found a few more rough patches. The biggest amongst these is Bluetooth pairing. The device actually pairs with other devices quite easily (good thing); but, I find that connect to be really strained; especially noticeable on hands-free car pairing...really introduces a lot of static, even after multiple re-pairing. I know the Bluetooth stack is getting some attention in insider updates; but, so far no updates for 950 users.
I am also disappointed that you can not search highlighted text through Cortana/Bing from Edge; if you highlight text and then hit the search soft key, all it does is come up with the main Cortana screen...small; but, annoying.
Finally, the antenna stack also seems to be a bit buggy for me. I think the overall call quality of the phone is great; but, several times the signal will go to zero, and will never bounce back...I have to do a soft reset and the signal strength returns to LTE coverage...strange.
overall, still a very good phone which is a good ways from being a complete package.
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Sep 13, 2015
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I'll keep you guys and dolls updated.

Okay so day 2 and battery has gotten better, 4 hours of use and it's gone from 100% to 72%. The phone is still getting warm but not as much as it was yesterday. I still have Hello on and I've been contently texting, tweeting and emailing. Also, I have brightness at a static 25%.

I did an update to everything that was available in the store, There was a phone update available as well. I don't know if that helped but I see a difference since yesterdays use. I hope it just gets better.

I'll keep you updated on anything else.
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