Windows Hello, Messaging, and battery issues/overheating. How can I solve the issue?

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Windows Central Question

Windows Hello, Messaging, and battery issues/overheating

So far I have enjoyed my experience with my 950... there have been a few things that have bothered me... like why when I stepped from a 920 to a 950 does the messaging app go slower, or sometimes not show messages after I received notification that I had a message, or why after the 1st day does the message notification no longer appear on the lock screen.
I have noticed like a lot of people that the phone claims that the screen is using 75%+ of my battery life, even though I keep it at 25% and that number doesn't drop overnight when the phone is in standby.
Whenever I am doing anything that uses a lot of data the phone gets really hot along the right rear of the device... this is where basically everything in the phone is so I can't pinpoint what is getting hot, but it is not the battery... it also gets this hot when charging... but again it is the phone not the battery.
By turning off background apps as much as possible, and wondering why I can't turn off background usage in Edge? Disabling Glance which I don't like anyways. And just being smart about my phone the battery tends to last about 1.5 days... which while nice is much shorter than it should be.
Right now my phone is on wifi and downloading an update... by downloading I mean it is still at 0% but my battery life is disappearing at an alarming rate.
And just today Windows Hello... just stopped working. It comes on, red light goes on... and nothing... the little animated eye doesn't move anymore, it never changes from saying looking for you... it just sits there, I can still log in with my pin, but this just happened and is rather annoying.
Generally I thought a phone boasting a hex core processor and 3GB of ram would be fast, and that based on my previous experience with Lumia devices this would be a good phone, but I guess Microsoft just destroyed it when they took it from Nokia.
If anyone has any ideas as to what can solve my issues please share.

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