Hoping it doesn't work out :(


New member
Nov 20, 2013
Well my whole household (wife and daughter mobile phones) may be turning against me. I got my wife a 950 coming from the 1020 she loved it and has since been very apprehensive since win mobile 10. Well ATT has a new promotion to where they are giving you essentially a free iphone on an upgrade when you add a new line (you can upgrade on next with a credit of ~$22 for 24 months) and pay for the new line. So my wife is thinking of returning her 950 and the iphone 6S we got for our daughter to leave me behind. To her point she has really tried to stay with the ecosystem because of me but apps for the things she likes and her friends refer her to is not available on our platform. But I told her she has to do all the running around on returns oh and she had to do an insurance claim on the 950 becuase of a hairline crack that came out of nowhere. I am hoping that the insurance claim takes a while because I want to keep the continium dock but don't have a device to use with it. I am really hoping Win10 support picks up (I have been on windows mobile since the 5.x days) and their marketing does as well. My wife thinks the best way to communicate with others is facetime :( even though I showed her skype and we have everyone on board her experience has been less than great. Cross your fingers that I am not outnumbered in my household sorry for the rant... Also I told my wife I couldn't help her with her iphone if she gets one :)


New member
Oct 22, 2012
why would you hope for the worst for your family members to communicate with friends and family? its only a phone. My wife had the it came out loved the UI got pissed off with the lack of app support and got an iPhone.

She is happy, that makes me happy.

I just got the 950 at the weekend whilst I like it she would never get it because of the app gap maybe when its gone then she will get a msft phone because she loves the camera after she seen the pics we took of the kids this weekend with santa. Being a **** about things like this does not make you an evangelist for the technology just makes you seem like have blinkers on to what other seem as requirements for a good personal experience.
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New member
Feb 21, 2013
My wife did the same thing when her 1020 went out of commission from a second cracked screen. She got the iP6S+ and has never been happier. I was sad to see her drop the WP bandwagon and she still likes the look of it best. It just didn't have everything she needed at this time.


New member
Jan 23, 2012
why would you hope for the worst for your family members to communicate with friends and family? **** its only a phone. My wife had the it came out loved the UI got pissed off with the lack of app support and got an iPhone.

She is happy, that makes me happy.

I just got the 950 at the weekend whilst I like it she would never get it because of the app gap maybe when its gone then she will get a msft phone because she loves the camera after she seen the pics we took of the kids this weekend with santa. Being a **** about things like this does not make you an evangelist for the technology just makes you seem like have blinkers on to what other seem as requirements for a good personal experience.
My wife has an iPhone because imessage even though there are lots of apps that do messaging on every platform

At thanksgiving I realized I am the only one out of 30 people that doesn't have an iPhone I told them that was a sad state.


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Dec 4, 2015
I find women where I work like the iphone. I personally don't care for it (yes, I'm female). I just find it boring.


New member
Nov 20, 2013
Yeah I just want her to be happy and honestly my frustration with her complaining is getting to me. I told her whatever makes her happy go for it (mobile technology). We will see she switched from iphone initially to the 1020 so this is a circle now.


New member
Dec 1, 2012
At thanksgiving I realized I am the only one out of 30 people that doesn't have an iPhone I told them that was a sad state.

If those 29 people all had Windows Phones, would that be a sad state?


New member
Nov 20, 2013
Well I broke down and got my wife an S6 and she has cried with joy. I was annoyed for a while now I feel regret for not caving in and getting her something else. I am still Windows Phone (mobile) all day but we have a lot of catching up to do. She was able to get all of her ms services up faster than it takes me to restore as well as the few apps she really missed. I demoed the Samsung pay as well and she is all over that. I will be selling the extra S6 and watch to get me a 950xl I hope the platform picks up some momentum because we are in a dog fight.


New member
Oct 29, 2012
that sucks... iOS is the lesser of the two evils though, at least that one doesn't run spyware in the background 24/7...


New member
Nov 20, 2013
She already had an Android tablet and all her apps didn't have to be repurchased. I am really hoping that MS kicks it into gear because as I said some of the offerings are pretty nice. And trust me I opted her out of almost everything on the phone.


New member
Dec 5, 2014
We have me (950), wife (S4 - have to get her a S6 Edge), and 3 kids with iPhone 6.

The kids love my phone. As they say, if it had SnapChat, they'd look seriously at it. They love the camera and look and feel, but lack of a few of their favorite apps is a killer.

Anyways, to each his own. To each her own in my case, because the kids are all girls too. Being the only Y chromosome, I figure I gotta be different anyways.


New member
Nov 20, 2013
Same as you my daughter has iphone, other kids are too young for cell phones. We don't feel they need them until they are in middle school sports time. If I didnt' see the potential of the windows platform I would jump ship as well. But I am optimistic and I see good things coming.

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