Lumia 950 annoying ticking/popping sound while locked

Dante X

New member
Sep 28, 2011
I just bought the new Lumia 950, I love it, but recently I am having this Little issue

Some times, when the phone is locked, it will start playing this ticking sound from the back speaker (the one next to the camera). If you listen closely, you can hear the following:
1. The speaker turns on, you can hear static,
2. The speaker turns off abruptly with a "click" sound,
3. The speaker stays off for about 1 second, then starts again from point 1.
This ONLY happens while the phone is locked , and it stops if you unlock the phone. However, once it's started, the only way to stop it is to reboot the phone.

Do you think this is a software related problem or a hardware issue? should I ask for a replacement?
yes, restart fixed... but the eventually the sound will come again... any fix for this? is Hardware or Software related??
Yep it's happening to me too. No specific time when it does it, certainly not related to charging. Just a random click every now and again when I'm moving around the OS. Because the back creaks a bit too I thought it was this to start with. Hopefully a firware fix will clear it soon.
Have had this on my 950 xl too. Two times now that I have noticed it. Both times it have appeared when I lock the screen after using WhatsApp. Only solution I've found so far is to restart the phone.

Update: Just after posting this I pressed and hold the back arrow to close all apps and I didn't see the home screen there. So after closing all running apps the phone got back to home screen and the noise disappeared. Maybe something gets restarted if the home screen also has to restart.
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I have this problem on my 950 too, and unlike the previous poster, closing all apps doesn't help, I have to restart the phone to fix it. It does seem to be related to WhatsApp though I cannot exactly reproduce the steps.
Same for me, two time. But I didn't restart my phone, the sound disappear alone after unlock my phone
I too am having this same issue. Had to restart to get it to stop. It was even doing it when powered down, which is even more strange. Thinking about taking it to att to exchange it for another.
Every phones is like that so what you exchange it to? Have to wait for fix update, which is worked on.
Yeah, I read the other thread you shared. Saw that Microsoft is aware. Just going to wait it out. Other than this one flaw, I'm loving my 950. Sure beats having to deal with the even more annoying phantom taps of my previous 1520.
There are plenty things to fix, speaking of speaker/headphone jack, audio, battery etc. Really hope for fixes and more frequent updates, specially for their new flagships.

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