Cracked glass

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Dec 14, 2015
Just wondering if anyone has replaced the glass on their 950? I cracked mine yesterday and am looking to swap it out. The LCD panel itself is fine and touch still works perfectly fine, just the glass face is all ugly. I found this kit on eBay does this look like everything I need ? Or do you think I need more adhesive tape for the areas above and below the lcd? (It looks like that adhesive sticker they give you literally just does like 1mm around the screen top and bottom)WP_20160322_001.jpg


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Just wondering if anyone has replaced the glass on their 950? I cracked mine yesterday and am looking to swap it out. The LCD panel itself is fine and touch still works perfectly fine, just the glass face is all ugly. I found this kit on eBay does this look like everything I need ? Or do you think I need more adhesive tape for the areas above and below the lcd? (It looks like that adhesive sticker they give you literally just does like 1mm around the screen top and bottom)View attachment 124131

you did a great job smashing the gorilla glass off .

i would never suggest to go for a self experiment thingy on a cell phone. if not trained enough.

my suggestion contact nearest Microsoft service center and get it repaired. :)
Though I've never worked on my cell phone before, I do have plenty of experience working repairing small electronics and laptops etc. So I'm pretty confident in my abilities with the actual teardown and replacement process. Just looking for a good replacement kit, wondering if anyone has been through this on the 950
I haven't specifically torn down a 950/950XL yet, but it seems most modern smartphones have glass that is fused or glued to the display. You run about 80% chance of breaking the LCD, and would need to be extremely careful removing the broken glass before replacing it, if you get only the glass replacement part.
Look up They have original MS assemblies. It's not too hard to replace - i've done a few. My personal 950 has a fonejoy screen on it after an unfortunate incident.
Not sure, it slipped out of my coat pocket when getting out of the car, so I didn't see it hit the pavement. Just heard the awful sound
Just wanted to follow up for anyone in the future who has this happen. I replaced the screen/digitizer with the one found on
I am very glad I went this option, as having now disassembled everything, replacing only the glass with one of those $8 eBay kits would have not worked right and I would have likely damaged other components in the process.

You need a T-4 size Torx screwdriver (which I picked up at HomeDepot for $6. And a pair of tweezers helps.
Before you do anything watch this video on the L950 disassembly and re-assembly a couple times. You don't have to take everything apart that they show you in the video, only the things related to getting the screen out. I estimate it took about 20 minutes total to replace.

I have experience disassembling/reassembling laptops, but this was still very challenging for me simply because of how small everything is to work with. The connectors and screws are all extremely tiny so take your time, don't rush and lay everything out on your desk/table in the order that you removed it, to make it easier to put things back together in order.
The most challenging point was removal of the Audio jack because the circuitry is on a bendable material that is glued down and could easily be damaged when trying to remove it. So you may think about ordering a replacement AV jack with your order. Just something to consider, as I was able to remove it without issue myself but something to be mindful of.
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Here is the link for the L950 disassembly:
I cracked mine back in December and still waiting for it to be repaired. Top glass only, everything still functioned. It fell face down on a wooden deck where there happened to be a nail head slightly above the surface. My screen protectors and case were in the mail at the time.

There's only one official repair place here in Australia and seems they don't stock anything (?!). It's costing around $250(AU) and includes a number of parts. I can find the list and paste here if anyone is interested as it seemed extreme for what appears to be only the front glass that was affected.

A little peeved about how difficult it is to get it repaired here to be honest, so if you're happy to throw warranty aside and do it yourself it might be quicker.
April 23, 2016 I fell and broke the screen on my Lumia 920. I replaced the screen, my first one. It was a bear to fix but the YouTube videos helped tremendously. After I fixed it I realized some of my apps would no longer work since they were only making updates for the Windows 10 phones. So I purchased my 950 and it arrived June 5th. 10 hours later it got knocked off a table face down on the cement floor. I bought a replacement LCD for $3.90 from I didn't need the digitizer. Can anyone give me assistance as to how you separate the screen from the digitizer? If I could afford the digitizer it would be heck of a lot easier to repair. Sigh....
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920 or 950? 920 is easy, 950 is almost impossible to do glass only. It is possible, but beyond most folk’s abilities w/o some special equiop/ability.

April 23, 2016 I fell and broke the screen on my Lumia 920. I replaced the screen, my first one. It was a bear to fix but the YouTube videos helped tremendously. After I fixed it I realized some of my apps would no longer work since they were only making updates for the Windows 10 phones. So I purchased my 950 and it arrived June 5th. 10 hours later it got knocked off a table face down on the cement floor. I bought a replacement LCD for $3.90 from I didn't need the digitizer. Can anyone give me assistance as to how you separate the screen from the digitizer? If I could afford the digitizer it would be heck of a lot easier to repair. Sigh....
Thanks for your reply. I'm just now seeing it. Yes the 920 screen was fairly simple to fix. I bought a screen, glue and black light to fix the 950. I haven't made the move to repair it yet. I watched some videos on how to fix the 1020. It is the closest I can find in videos on YouTube on how to repair the screen.
Hi - I am interested in both the list of parts and who you are getting it repaired by. Thanks
there are some other original parts suppliers that folks have referenced. If you buy one from ebay, it's most likely not original.

Look for LCD Assembly when you're searching around for parts - that's all you need. And a screwdriver set with a T4 in it.
I shattered mine today and got online to ATT insurance website. It was going smoothly until I got a notice that they were going to replace my Lumia 950 with a Galaxy S6 ACTIVE. I clicked on chat mode and she changed it to a direct replacement with a Lumia 950. Still, it was not a warranty problem so I had to pay $168. But I didn't have to mess with the repairs myself.
Has anyone had a screen replaced lately, or done it themselves? I dropped my 950 a couple of days ago, from a height of 3-4 feet, and the glass cracked. The phone seems to still be fully functional. I guess replacing just the glass isn't very easy, or a viable option, for most people as the glass and the digitizer are fused?

I've found one seller on eBay that actually lists their replacement displays as OEM/Microsoft.

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