Microsoft ceo uses an apple iPhone ?

Moved the topic out of Q&A.

On the topic of the thread, I suspect that the Nadella uses iPhones and Androids, in addition to Windows Phones. After all, Microsoft does make software for Android and iOS. Not to mention that you want to know how your products compare to the competition. That is why Ford's CEO, Alan Mulally, can routinely be seen driving competitors' vehicles.
I'm sure Satya Nadella has used all types of operating systems. There's no message or endorsement sent. When you're in the tech world, you try different platforms and products. Otherwise you're just out of the loop.
I HOPE he takes enough time out of his day to peek at what the competition is doing.
This is no different than Eric Schmidt being seen openly using a BlackBerry Bold.

Moveover, Schmidt sat on Apple's board of directors just before the idea of android was launched under it the guise of "open source". Then strangely enough, it has many of the same look and feel of the Iphone. Co-incidence yes, but a strange one. But I digress.
He's the leader of a global tech software giant, so he should be across a broad variety of tech from all quarters of the industry. I'd be critical if he weren't using and trying out iPhones, Androids, Amazon Fire phones, Samsung Tzen and such like. There probably aren't enough hours in the day for him.
This has been debated before. In my eyes, the face of the corporation should use nothing other than the device he represents. Microsoft should have a shat-ton of lower level minions that can check out the competition.
This has been debated before. In my eyes, the face of the corporation should use nothing other than the device he represents. Microsoft should have a shat-ton of lower level minions that can check out the competition.

Exactly. I don't think you'd catch Tim Cook using anything but an iPhone.
This has been debated before. In my eyes, the face of the corporation should use nothing other than the device he represents. Microsoft should have a shat-ton of lower level minions that can check out the competition.

I couldn't disagree more. The "face of the franchise" is in charge of creating the vision for the company. He needs to know what he's up against before laying the groundwork for the "next big thing".
He's the leader of a global tech software giant, so he should be across a broad variety of tech from all quarters of the industry. I'd be critical if he weren't using and trying out iPhones, Androids, Amazon Fire phones, Samsung Tzen and such like. There probably aren't enough hours in the day for him.

Agreed. As a leader of a tech company, you should must know what the competition are doing in order to improve yourself. And besides, it doesn't hurts to use multiple devices across multiple platform.

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