Joe Belfiore uses an iPhone

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Hardly anyone in Microsoft uses their own phones full time, this goes back to Charlie Kindel when he worked at MS on the WP team and used an iphone as well. I'd bet Mr Nadella uses his iphone pro full time too. Get over it, we all know they dont give a toss about their own platform.
Cuz you think WCentral reviewers are ONLY using Windows devices too ?


WCentral reviewers aren't public facing figures of MS.

So let me preface that I think he should be able to use whatever phone he wants. I also think regular MS employees should be able to use whatever phone they want too. However, to me, it's kind of like Alan Mullaly, the CEO of Ford, driving around in a Toyota. It just looks odd. Also, I think it sends a different message when you see Mullaly driving a Toyota as opposed a front line worker at a plant driving a Toyota.
Lol, now we know why Microsoft is so eager to put all it's services on iOS, Joe wanted the Windows Phone experience on his iPhone!
Why do you even care? Cause i don't. I've got too much sh** of my own to worry about.
Yea, it's safe to say WP, Windows Mobile, whatever you want to call it is dead. Microsoft is too busy pumping out quality apps for Android/iPhone and not dedicating any/enough resources to stabilize wm10. They've given up as well, it's pretty clear.
To me this is a perfect example of what is WRONG with the mobile situation at Microsoft. If they dont back their own phones why should customers. Belfiore really needs to go. Let him go work for Apple.
To me this is a perfect example of what is WRONG with the mobile situation at Microsoft. If they dont back their own phones why should customers. Belfiore really needs to go. Let him go work for Apple.

I don't think he prefers IOS over windows phone, but considering he's one of the lead guys in the software development, he needs to be in touch with all tech. That means working with other systems on day to day basis's to get ideas for windows phone.

Or your right.
To me this is a perfect example of what is WRONG with the mobile situation at Microsoft. If they dont back their own phones why should customers. Belfiore really needs to go. Let him go work for Apple.

He's on a year hiatus, remember? I'm guessing he won't actually come back... hence why he could care less about using an iphone
It still puts Microsoft in a bad light. They are fighting for their lives and he is on a year hiatus. Sounds like he really CARES about Microsoft. Pick the time when things are their toughest and go hide in the closet.
After this he needs to go. I cant see his face talking about windows mobile anymore. I just lost the believe on him
Really???? My Uncle's surname is Ford, BUT.....he drives a Jaguar! Is that an issue as well??

I don't really care what they use. I've used them all, and I couldn't get on with iPhone, although I use Mac's when Dj-ing, and Linux for everything else, and only use windows when needing office etc. Android, in theory, should be top notch being based on the Linux kernel. I owned a Note 3. Cracking device but memory bleed was horrific and for a device with ample ram and speed, it got terribly slow. I cooked roms for the N3 and sorting the issues was a perpetual uphill struggle.

So, people use what suits them. I'm a cabbie and I don't have a beaded seat cover, or a tissue box on the rear shelf, so am I setting a bad example?
Really???? My Uncle's surname is Ford, BUT.....he drives a Jaguar! Is that an issue as well??

I don't really care what they use. I've used them all, and I couldn't get on with iPhone, although I use Mac's when Dj-ing, and Linux for everything else, and only use windows when needing office etc. Android, in theory, should be top notch being based on the Linux kernel. I owned a Note 3. Cracking device but memory bleed was horrific and for a device with ample ram and speed, it got terribly slow. I cooked roms for the N3 and sorting the issues was a perpetual uphill struggle.

So, people use what suits them. I'm a cabbie and I don't have a beaded seat cover, or a tissue box on the rear shelf, so am I setting a bad example?
Silly examples... unless you are executive of a Fortune 500 company and using your competitor's product.

When the frontman for a company's product uses the competition's product that is not good. I'd wager serious money that if a top Apple exec were using a Windows Phone that many of those here saying "meh, no big deal" would be whooping it up with glee about that.

Belfiore is out there hawking Windows Phones and how great they are, how they do things that no other phone can do, and yet when he has the choice to use any phone he wants... it's NOT a Windows Phone.

Why should I believe what Belfiore says when he doesn't appear to believe what he says himself?
WCentral reviewers aren't public facing figures of MS.

So let me preface that I think he should be able to use whatever phone he wants. I also think regular MS employees should be able to use whatever phone they want too. However, to me, it's kind of like Alan Mullaly, the CEO of Ford, driving around in a Toyota. It just looks odd. Also, I think it sends a different message when you see Mullaly driving a Toyota as opposed a front line worker at a plant driving a Toyota.

This. I'm not saying that they should be coerced into using a Windows Phone, but they need to realize that it's a hell of a negative gesture when company employees aren't dogfooding their own products.
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