Tegra drivers not updating / BSOD on system refresh


New member
Dec 15, 2013
EDIT: Due to the severity of the issue and the amount of users this might (or has) affected, this thread has been stickied. For possible solutions to the driver problem, please search THIS THREAD on the Microsoft Answers forum. I personally used the instructions outlined by Davejones22 on PAGE 5 to help with my display drivers. But please be aware that you are taking a huge risk any time you mess with any of the settings outlined in the links. PROCEED AT YOUR OWN RISK. And for the record, I have not gotten a BSOD since using the outlined steps.

Update: 1-22-14
Paolo has updated the instructions for fixing the problem. Please check THIS POST FOR INSTRUCTIONS.

Updated: 1-23-14
It appears Microsoft has deleted the original thread on the Microsoft Answers forum. EDIT UPDATE: The thread is back!!!

- HeyCori

Just thought I’d share my experiences over the last few days regarding this issue.

My week-old Surface 2 was running fine, but having fiddled with pretty much every setting over the last week I thought I’d do a system refresh to see if my battery life improved (I’m getting about 6 hours with only steady web browsing & brightness 30%, less than I’d hoped for).

At 95% on the “refreshing your system” screen, I got a blue screen with a page fault in non paged area. Holding the power button for a few seconds turned the device off and on and then the rest of the process seemed to complete ok.

However, having got a blue screen apparently within the refresh process I thought I’d do a full system restore (with disc wiped properly) just to be sure all was ok with the fresh installation. Once again, I got the blue screen, same error at exactly the same time.

I persisted, ran windows update after this and afterwards checked the update history which stated that 2 of the updates were not successful – one of which was the December firmware update.

I went through the process of checking for updates again, and they appeared again, at which point they apparently installed "successfully". However, on checking the device manager the Tegra drivers (audio, display etc) were all still dated back to 08/2013.

Updating the device drivers through device manager gave no error message and states it has been successful, but never actually does anything, so the driver date and version ( stays the same.

In an attempt to update the display driver I uninstalled it. Unfortunately it was subsequently impossible to reinstall the tegra driver and I was left with a basic display driver (dated 2006!) only. I refreshed the PC again, and this time applied only the firmware update initially (hiding the rest) – which resulted in a first time success. However – once again, I was left with older Tegra and firmware drivers in device manager as if nothing has happened.

Incidentally, I hadn’t connected my Type 2 cover prior to updating the firmware, which caused a new problem in that it was only listed as an “unknown device” when I finally connected it, backlight on but no input detected. After trying everything else (disable / uninstalling etc), I had to refresh YET AGAIN (same error at 95% again..)!

Connecting the cover prior to a firmware update fixed that particular problem, and I’m left with my Surface apparently running without an issue but…..

A) Giving the BSOD on every system refresh / restore that I’ve done so far (5 times total)
B) Apparently immune to the latest firmware update, so stuck on the original Tegra drivers.

I’ll be interested to see if there is an inherent defect in the restored Windows on my Surface that is giving both A & B above, or if they are separate and B will be sorted with the next update.

I’m pretty peeved that I started this ball rolling by refreshing a fully functional, updated system!

Has this occurred to anyone else?
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Just thought I’d share my experiences over the last few days regarding this issue.

My week-old Surface 2 was running fine, but having fiddled with pretty much every setting over the last week I thought I’d do a system refresh to see if my battery life improved (I’m getting about 6 hours with only steady web browsing & brightness 30%, less than I’d hoped for).

At 95% on the “refreshing your system” screen, I got a blue screen with a page fault in non paged area. Holding the power button for a few seconds turned the device off and on and then the rest of the process seemed to complete ok.

However, having got a blue screen apparently within the refresh process I thought I’d do a full system restore (with disc wiped properly) just to be sure all was ok with the fresh installation. Once again, I got the blue screen, same error at exactly the same time.

I persisted, ran windows update after this and afterwards checked the update history which stated that 2 of the updates were not successful – one of which was the December firmware update.

I went through the process of checking for updates again, and they appeared again, at which point they apparently installed "successfully". However, on checking the device manager the Tegra drivers (audio, display etc) were all still dated back to 08/2013.

Updating the device drivers through device manager gave no error message and states it has been successful, but never actually does anything, so the driver date and version ( stays the same.

In an attempt to update the display driver I uninstalled it. Unfortunately it was subsequently impossible to reinstall the tegra driver and I was left with a basic display driver (dated 2006!) only. I refreshed the PC again, and this time applied only the firmware update initially (hiding the rest) – which resulted in a first time success. However – once again, I was left with older Tegra and firmware drivers in device manager as if nothing has happened.

Incidentally, I hadn’t connected my Type 2 cover prior to updating the firmware, which caused a new problem in that it was only listed as an “unknown device” when I finally connected it, backlight on but no input detected. After trying everything else (disable / uninstalling etc), I had to refresh YET AGAIN (same error at 95% again..)!

Connecting the cover prior to a firmware update fixed that particular problem, and I’m left with my Surface apparently running without an issue but…..

A) Giving the BSOD on every system refresh / restore that I’ve done so far (5 times total)
B) Apparently immune to the latest firmware update, so stuck on the original Tegra drivers.

I’ll be interested to see if there is an inherent defect in the restored Windows on my Surface that is giving both A & B above, or if they are separate and B will be sorted with the next update.

I’m pretty peeved that I started this ball rolling by refreshing a fully functional, updated system!

Has this occurred to anyone else?

Literally the exact same problem happened to me 2 days ago. I had a perfect surface 2 as well, and decided to perform a refresh to increase battery life as well as help fix a driver error I had received. It went downhill fast from there for me, as it blue screened as you said and required the power button to be pressed. From there I was left with out of date drivers as you are. I decided to do a reset and again bluescreen... same error. finally got it to reset and set up as new, still no new drivers.

after talking with support, they were unable to resolve the issue and a replacement is in the mail now.
If you can get the refresh to finish. Only install the Dec 10th firmware first (from desktop windows update). Then after it's finished rebooting and such, then install the rest of the updates. I did it that way and I've been fine every since. Looks like you are having issues even doing the refresh, which isn't cool.
If you can get the refresh to finish. Only install the Dec 10th firmware first (from desktop windows update). Then after it's finished rebooting and such, then install the rest of the updates. I did it that way and I've been fine every since. Looks like you are having issues even doing the refresh, which isn't cool.

I did exactly that after the last 2 refreshes and everything indicated at the time that the firmware update proceeded without fault (no error messages etc), as mentioned above.
However, checking device manager reveals driver versions to all apparently be the originals (08/2013). Looking through the reliability and event reporting log also reveals no errors. You can even see the new drivers (with a different ID) being “installed” on this log at the time the update was applied 30 mins after the fresh install.
If I hadn’t had checked device manager I would never had known there was an apparent problem.
As my surface seems to run perfect (old drivers or not), I’m not too concerned at present.
I’d be interested to know if anyone else who has previously refreshed / restored their Surface actually has the up to date drivers appearing in device manager or not.
Reading previous threads elsewhere on the audio driver issues I do wonder if actually this is happening to most people who have ever refreshed/restored their surface, whether they realise or not.
I haven't refreshed but since installing the December update I've had nothing but problems! From the device not waking up to the type cover 2 not responding to key presses. After checking for updates again today to resolve the type cover issue, it seems to be working ok for the moment.
Please, if anyone finds a solution for this post it in this thread. Thanks! I have the exact same scenario that is described in the OP. Everything seems okay. The drivers are from August and I cannot refresh them. If I try manually (from the drivers on my tablet) it says okay, but nothing actually happens.
My device also bluescreens on refresh but I didn't think much of it. Just checked my drivers in device manager and I'm in exactly the same boat. Should I be concerned? Does this thing need replacing?

Update - Just got off chat to support, he told me to fully reset the device which also caused a BSOD, and he stated that this shows there are "missing or corrupted files in the recovery partition of the device and that is why the refresh and the reset have not been working". They're sending me a replacement device, I went with the advanced exchange option where they send you out a device and they place a hold on your credit card, as long as you return the faulty device within 14 days then the hold is lifted. This should take 2-3 business days. Unfortunate timing around Christmas but I'd rather have a working device for when I return to work.

Certainly won't be refreshing my new device when it arrives... They seriously need to fix this fault. The representative didn't seem aware of it, and thought the driver might be up to date despite me telling him what the latest driver version is (helpful chap though, I imagine not many users have reported this yet).
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I had the same problem with my brand new Surface 2, but for what it takes I partially SOLVED it doing this:

1) After Refresh/Reset and BSOD, keep pressing the Power button till S2 powers down. Press it again and the process will complete;
2) Do all the WIndows Updates, and reboot as necessary; your drivers will still be the August ones (not all of them, only the Tegra 4 ones), even if all the updates will be installed correctly;
3) Now, do a USB Recovery Partition Backup, info here: Create a USB recovery drive for Microsoft Surface | Free up Surface storage space ;
4) Reboot your S2 with the USB drive inserted and keep pressing the Volume Down button till you see the circle spinning logo of Surface;
5) RESTORE your Surface from USB (when asked find your BitLocker key following the instructions and with a Smartphone or another Laptop/PC), choose to Repartition too, and if you see a message telling you to erase the Protected content or something like that choose Yes pressing the Volume Up button).

I had no more BSOD after this process, even trying to Refresh/Restore normally from the HDD and not USB, so one problem is finally SOLVED for good.
But the Tegra 4 drivers will still be the August version...

Anyway my Surface 2 is still very stable, no glitches on screen, no lag, Halo Spartan Assault runs 60FPS without a single hiccup, and everything is butter smooth and stable.
My S2 only crashed once while in Standby and receiving a Skype call.

And I think that Tegra 4 drivers will be updated correctly on the next firmware update too.

This is a problem apparently affecting ALL S2 after Refresh/Reset, so taking it back to the Store for another one is a "non-solution"

Let's hope MS fix this ASAP, and not on the second Tuesday of January (01/14)...

Hope I helped!

UPDATE: I opened a topic on the official Surface 2 Community Forum too, here: http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/...t-update/af6bc554-f5ff-4e37-a78a-242ff00f9eda . If you have the same problems, please, post in there too and let our voice rise directly towards Microsoft!
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Not only i'm stuck with August Tegra 4 driver but my type cover 2 stopped working. Keyboard keys do absolutely nothing. It works fine every time i refresh the device (yes with bsod), but as soon i update to the December firmware update, it stops working.

Needs to be fixed ASAP...
Not only i'm stuck with August Tegra 4 driver but my type cover 2 stopped working. Keyboard keys do absolutely nothing. It works fine every time i refresh the device (yes with bsod), but as soon i update to the December firmware update, it stops working.

Needs to be fixed ASAP...

same here... keyboard not working anymore...
what is this crap...
same here... keyboard not working anymore...
what is this crap...
My Type Cover 2 never had any issues.
My advice:

1) Reset S2 from USB;
2) Install all WU Updates EXCEPT the Firmware update, and Reboot;
3) Install the Firmware update after reboot, and Reboot again.

Do all of these steps ALWAYS keeping the Cover attached.

My only issues impossible to fix right now is the Tegra 4 drivers still not updating, waiting and hoping for a new firmware update that will fix that...

In Summary, this ODISSEA is SOLVED once and for all with these steps:

1) Everything starts with the BSoD on Refresh/Reset, that can be fixed with a new RESET from a USB Recovery Drive (entering BitLocker recovery key when asked too);

2) Just after Reset, DO NOT install WU updates yet, but download the Jon5798 Tegra 4 updated drivers HERE: https://skydrive.live.com/pagenotfounderror , and unzip them in a new folder;

3) Install the .inf file manually with the "HAVE DISK" method, following carefully this procedure HERE: http://pcsupport.about.com/od/windows-8/a/update-drivers-windows-8.htm ;

4) Reboot your device and TEGRA 4 DRIVERS WILL BE UPDATED to the current version: 2767!

5) Install all Windows Updates (all the OS first, Reboot, and Firmware update last, Reboot).

Tegra 4 updated drivers will stay :)

Conclusion: all of this mess is Software/Microsoft fault ONLY, and not hardware related in any way. This method fix the Display Driver problem, and at 99.9% probability next firmwares/updates will install correctly without any problem after this.

In addition to the above, I've posted another fix for this also detailed on the same thread on the MS forum.

In short - the issue is occurring because even after the update fails first time around (for reasons unclear and likely related to the bsod), the new drivers get added to the windows driver repository even though they were not installed. From then on, windows just refers back to the these, even when you point it to drivers from another location, and thus trying to update them in device manager is unsuccessful.

Uninstalling the devices in device manager doesn't work because the drivers arent being removed properly.

Its worth noting that none of the drivers on the DEC update get installed when the above occurs, apart from the actual November dated "firmware", which is "permanent." I.E its not just the display and sound, its also the keyboard covers, power management, wifi etc, all stuck on August.

The solution is simply to remove the newer drivers (that are not in use) from the driver repository

This process is detailed on the other forum. It involves deleting system files and thus there is a specific process to follow. The difficulty comes from working out which ones are in use, but if you can be bothered you can work it out by cross referencing with device manager. I suspect deleting the wrong ones would be a very bad idea, so be very careful or don't do it at all.

If you do this there is no need to refresh / uninstall anything in device manager / download anything.

Just run windows update on desktop after removing the relevant oem.inf files (i deleted about 15 or so, maybe more) and it will reproduce the DEC update for you, which will install fine.

Note that this is quite technical and the implication of it overall is that as soon as mfst release a new set of drivers (that are not in the driver repository already), they should update without problems. So if you can hold on, it might save you the hassle / risk.

For the record, there IS a noticeable difference in the device afterwards though, text is much better, the HDMI output works properly, sound is improved.

Just don't refresh the BL**dy thing afterwards!

Hope this helps
In addition to the above, I've posted another fix for this also detailed on the same thread on the MS forum.

In short - the issue is occurring because even after the update fails first time around (for reasons unclear and likely related to the bsod), the new drivers get added to the windows driver repository even though they were not installed. From then on, windows just refers back to the these, even when you point it to drivers from another location, and thus trying to update them in device manager is unsuccessful.

Uninstalling the devices in device manager doesn't work because the drivers arent being removed properly.

Its worth noting that none of the drivers on the DEC update get installed when the above occurs, apart from the actual November dated "firmware", which is "permanent." I.E its not just the display and sound, its also the keyboard covers, power management, wifi etc, all stuck on August.

The solution is simply to remove the newer drivers (that are not in use) from the driver repository

This process is detailed on the other forum. It involves deleting system files and thus there is a specific process to follow. The difficulty comes from working out which ones are in use, but if you can be bothered you can work it out by cross referencing with device manager. I suspect deleting the wrong ones would be a very bad idea, so be very careful or don't do it at all.

If you do this there is no need to refresh / uninstall anything in device manager / download anything.

Just run windows update on desktop after removing the relevant oem.inf files (i deleted about 15 or so, maybe more) and it will reproduce the DEC update for you, which will install fine.

Note that this is quite technical and the implication of it overall is that as soon as mfst release a new set of drivers (that are not in the driver repository already), they should update without problems. So if you can hold on, it might save you the hassle / risk.

For the record, there IS a noticeable difference in the device afterwards though, text is much better, the HDMI output works properly, sound is improved.

Just don't refresh the BL**dy thing afterwards!

Hope this helps
I confirm that too.
If you would to manually update EVERY old drivers left from the faulty December update you can, and you can find all the info on the official topic I opened weeks ago, here (Page 7): http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/...f9eda?page=7&rtAction=1390295045865#LastReply

But the most important thing is another: is the FACT that our devices are not hardware faulty, and correct drivers can be installed and work without a problem.

All the BSoD, firmware, and WU mess is a Software ONLY issue caused by Microsoft/NVIDIA of course, and their faulty Recovery Partition and drivers set and installers...

Almost certainly these problems will be auto-fixed with newer (hopefully) working firmware updates and/or OS upgrades (8.1.1, 8.2), so DO NOT exchange your devices with Microsoft support (like ridicolously suggested from official Microsoft moderators on official MS forum!), especially if you don't have other problems. It would be only the beginning of useless and more hassle and pain, and you would end in the same situation after a new Refresh/Restore.

Maybe we will see new firmware updates even tonight ;)
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Thanks guys. What is the date from the latest Tegra driver? (btw, are we talking speaker drivers)
Ok guys (I'm P40L0 with another nickname...from work! :grin:), I further investigated the available solutions on MS forums, and that's the FINAL DRIVERS PROBLEM QUICKFIX:

1) Before proceeding, if you still have BSoD on Refresh/Reset launched from the device, RESET/RESTORE the device from an USB Recovery Drive (entering your BitLocker key too): it will fix the BSoD permanently after that;
2) If you don't have the BSoD problem (or you don't have it anymore), do a Refresh directly from the device;
3) First thing to do after Refresh is installing ALL updates from Windows Update, December firmare included (it will fail like always, don't worry, it's ok for now). Reboot;
4) Download this small auto-exec from HERE, and Run it As an Administrator. This will remove ALL faulty december drivers that weren't installed for you, with a single click ;) ;
5) Do not reboot again, and go check Windows Update (from Desktop side): it will show you the December firmware update again, ready to install. Install it, and Reboot;
6) Congratulation, you now have ALL your system drivers UP TO DATE. :smile:

(And you shouldn't have any more bad errors in EventLog or Reliability Report too!)

And there's more, you would successfully upgrade to newer firmware without any problem from now on.


For Moderators:
You can add this mini-guide to first post if you want, to avoid further confusion and searching. Thanks :wink:
Thanks for the hard work. I updated my display drivers so I'm pretty satisfied with not having any BSODs. I will (for now) be patient and see if a fix comes within the next few months. If not then I will definitely refer back to this thread.

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