Power management settings article

I assume then you either don't want to experiment on your own Surface 3 (After all why take a chance messing up your own tab? Let someone else screw up theirs. LoL) or you don't own one. LoL Maybe I will check it out this evening...

Added: Sorry, got home late and no time to play. Will try tomorrow if no one has stepped in.
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Another question. Based on what you remember of the settings Microsoft had in there previously. Was the processor also handicapped or only the graphics performance?
I only looked at the graphics, because that it what it said. Never stopped to look at the other things....
Another question. Based on what you remember of the settings Microsoft had in there previously. Was the processor also handicapped or only the graphics performance?

The max was at 100% the minimum was at 5% so I raised it to 50%.
Background settings slide show was at Paused on battery and available on plugin. I change it to available on all.
Wireless Adapter Settings.. Now this one I wondered about. internet seemed so slow on battery, so I took it off Medium power save and turned it on Maximum Performance...

This should be interesting,,,, LOL :devil::devil::devil::devil::devil::devil:
As I had hoped, internet is indeed quicker on battery now, as a matter of fact I am actually starting to like this thing. l only bought it because my Dell broke, and I wanted another Windows tab I can trust. I just wonder how fast am I going to burn though the battery now, I do have a 30,000mAh battery bank I could plug in if I am not near a outlet.
That's great. I noticed that my Lenovo Thinkpad 8 was similarly handicapped. This may be the norm with all of this these Windows tabs.

That's a very good outcome though, makes me want to go out and get mine rather than wait for the 4.
That's great. I noticed that my Lenovo Thinkpad 8 was similarly handicapped. This may be the norm with all of this these Windows tabs.

That's a very good outcome though, makes me want to go out and get mine rather than wait for the 4.

I found out one thing about waiting for the next big thing, another always follows. Just before the Surface 4 comes out, Surface 5 will start to be a rumor, then just before Surface 5 is released, the rumors start on Surface 6. It's a never ending vicious cycle. LoL
it made a difference for me. I run AmidOS and use the comiXology app and the page transitions are buttery smooth now.
I don't really play games on my Surface, so I really don't know how much the improvement is for that! but thanks for the post.

Well I do play Hearthstone, but haven't for a while. I know it use to stutter a bit, so ill load it up and check it out. update it still lags. also I think the WiFi settings are only when we're in power saving mode. it should not Improve normal performance
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Hey thank you for posting! I didn't understand something.. i can use this things to improve the power of my surface 3 (cpu or graphic or what?)....but, what about the battery? I've already update the drivers to the 2013 version...any review about it? P.S. how can i find the firmware version?

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