I can't find it now, but I read an article from one of the respected sources a few weeks ago that rated the top 20 or 30 anti-malware products. It was a source that made their determinations through actual testing, not by the gut feelings of people who said, "I always use such and such and I've never been infected." I read it with interest because currently on my SP3 I'm just running Windows Defender.
While I don't remember the whole list, I did make note that Kaspersky was listed as number one. That's what I'm running on my server at home, as well as my entertainment PC, and both of my wife's PCs. I've used Kaspersky for at least 5 or 6 years, and I think longer than that, and cannot recall having been infected once while running it.
I want to say that Windows Defender was somewhere around 4 or 6 on the list.
Let me say that the reason I'm not running Kaspersky on my SP3 is because way back when Win8 was still in developer preview, or maybe it was right when Win8 had come out, I'd installed Kaspersky and it prevented my Windows Phone emulators from running, so I uninstalled it. Since then I've had an SP2 and an SP3, and I've just never tried installing Kaspersky again to see if they resolved that issue. Since I've been completely malware-free running Windows Defender, I didn't see the need to install Kaspersky again.
The most important thing to remember is that there is no anti-malware tool that will catch every bit of malware out there. It is important to use an anti-malware mentality when using a computer. Don't open attachments in email that you aren't expecting. Make sure the website you are entering info into is actually the website you think it is. Stay away from sites of the type that are more likely to try to install malware. You get the idea. Here's a link with some tips:
How to browse the internet safely in eight simple steps | AVG Blogs