I only used 5 minutes as an example. What I'm trying to say is you need to be on the correct input for the wireless adapter to boot.
If your wireless adapter is on hdmi 2 but your TV is tuned to hdmi 1, you will not be able to connect to the device because it has not booted up yet. You will not be able to connect to the adapter until the TV is hdmi 2 because it will not be ready to connect until you set the TV to HDMI 2.
To prove that, you can do either of 2 things: 1) you try to connect to the wireless adapter when the TV is tuned to a different TV input than what the wireless adapter is connected to. OR 2). if you know that it takes 10 seconds for the wireless adapter to be ready, then if you wait longer than 10 seconds, it should be ready regardless of the tuned input. But it's not. It will always take 10 seconds and that 10 seconds does not begin until you switch to the correct input that the adapter is connected to.