Try download and manually reinstall the latest firmware pack. It works for me. Link is in my previous post. Good LuckI'm suffering the same issues, surface gets really hot sometimes and battery is pretty terrible since upgrade.
I solved some of the problems to installing latest firmware update from :
Download SurfacePro3_Win10_150723_0.msi and install it. It solved system & system interrupts problems for sure. Service Host problems are gone too. But I have a problem with Windows Audio Graph Isolation. It uses cpu when I listen or watch something.
Your welcome and I strongly suggest to others which suffer heat and fan problems.Thanks so much!! This solved the problem immediately on my SP3.
I solved some of the problems to installing latest firmware update from :
Download SurfacePro3_Win10_150723_0.msi and install it. It solved system & system interrupts problems for sure. Service Host problems are gone too. But I have a problem with Windows Audio Graph Isolation. It uses cpu when I listen or watch something.
This worked like a charm. I suppose it is to be released with the rest of the Tuesday updates.
With all that beta testers, you would think this issue would be resolved before the launch.
Has anyone else had this issue return after refreshing the firmware? I shut down my SP3 overnight, fired it up this morning and heard the fan kick in. Checked task manager and System and System Interrupts are up to their old tricks again - using a lot of CPU power.
I solved some of the problems to installing latest firmware update from :
Download SurfacePro3_Win10_150723_0.msi and install it. It solved system & system interrupts problems for sure. Service Host problems are gone too. But I have a problem with Windows Audio Graph Isolation. It uses cpu when I listen or watch something.
Yeah I know it comes back to me as well. I also saw my first BSOD. Apps are also crashes. Especially Instapic and Store. Battery life sucks. 3 or 4 Hours max.This problem comes back intermittently for me. Generally a restart of the SP3 fixes it. I haven't found anything that seems to cause it yet. I thought it was maybe the touch keyboard, but it doesn't seem to be.