Surface Pen refusing to pair


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Feb 11, 2015
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I've had my Pro 3 pen since February and only now experiencing problems with the pen. First of all the pen registered with the tablet, even when I'd taken the pen nib away from the tablet, creating a confusing mess of words and lines on Onenote (this problem persisted even though I recalibrated the pen several times) the pen did the opposite of what I wanted; the pen became unresponsive; so I had to take out and put the battery in for it to work. The final nail in the coffin (so to speak) is that I tried to re-pair the pen with the tablet (I hoped that it would solve the problems plaguing the pen) after 3... no 4 attempts the pen still won't pair with the tablet.

Any options of what I can do to re-pair the pen and prevent the connectivity issues?


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May 4, 2012
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Have you gone through the troubleshooting steps outlined from MS?
Troubleshoot Microsoft Surface Pen for Surface Pro 3 and Surface 3

You just might need to replace the AAAA battery in the barrel to correct the screen issues. Some of the AAAA batteries that came with the pen weren't very good and died quickly.

As for the blue tooth, will the pen light up with the long press of the 'erase' for pairing? If you don't get the little green light on the pen, you might have to replace the two 319 coin cell batteries in the cap.

The last things to try is to backup your data, then try a 'refresh' your SP3. If that doesn't work try 'reset' your SP3. Make sure you do all the updates after the 'refresh' or 'reset'.

I too ran into weird pen issues awhile ago. I just jumped straight to the 'reset' (after backing up my data) and did all the updates after. The pen has been fine since. I chose the 'reset' because I had done a bunch of install/uninstall of a bunch of various programs/apps for quite awhile, the system was just feeling sluggish, and I was just due for a reset (I usually to a reset once a year, on all my computers to clean out all the crap I've done).


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Feb 11, 2015
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Well I've just managed to re-pair my pen, and for now it seems to be working fine. I think that the majority of the problems are down to the pen battery, so I'll probably replace the battery soon.

Thanks for the feeback anyway!

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