Community Expertise for Editing and Touching up Photos


New member
Jan 6, 2012
Hey Everyone,

With the launch of the 1020 I think there will be a lot of people like myself who use this as an opportunity to learn more about photography. From posts in other threads it seems there are many people here who make the most of their DSLR or their 808 and others (like myself) who just 'point and shoot.' A lot of information has been posted about taking better pictures, regarding Shutter speed, ISO and the like, but not much has been posted about the post photo process. Normally I take a picture, and post it online. Thanks to the 1020 a lot more can be done using the high res photos.

I'm hoping that people can weigh in with some things they do to touch up photos and take a 9MB high res photo and turn it into something smaller. It's my hope that between the oversampled 5MP photos, and the edited 34MP photos the WPCentral Community can really make the most of their 1020's and other cameras.

What do you think?

I can put together a small guide to handle post-processing an image if there's enough demand for it. Let me know if there's a lot of interest in this and what things exactly you want to see explained and I can try to address them.
I can put together a small guide to handle post-processing an image if there's enough demand for it. Let me know if there's a lot of interest in this and what things exactly you want to see explained and I can try to address them.

Thank you for the offer Muessig, very generous of your time to offer that :) Funny (or sad) thing is, my understanding of this phone is pretty basic: other than press down on the dedicated camera button (or the "new" two button screen press), how do I interact with the photos once I'm done. I'm pretty sure when I'm looking at the photos after I take them that I'm looking at the 5MP version. Is this correct? If it is, how do I open/edit/interact with the larger versions? I noticed that my setting is 5MP + 34MP but the detail doesn't look as sharp as I thought it would when I zoom in on the pic after it's taken/processed and that's what leads me to think I'm looking at the lower res version. I guess an "ID10T's guide to Using the Lumia 1020 Camera" would be more than welcome. If you publish to PDF and throw in some quick links to YouTube vids on using the controls (what they do/how to set them/why you set them a certain way), I could see paying for that quite happily...mfr operating manuals have never been a strong suit for me LOL I've got a $700 camera with phone capabilities and no real good understanding on how to actually use the camera...ugh...
I believe that when you look through the photos in the gallery it should say along the bottom "Taken with Pro Camera" or something like that. I think that text acts like a link and you should be able to click that and open the file. To look through the photos properly, though, you'll see more of the detail on a PC. That's pretty easy stuff to do. When you look through your photo's you should see more than one version of the same file and the full size version will be 7000x5000 pixels or something like that, and it should say "High Res" or something similar in the file name.

I'm being a bit sketchy with my description because I'm in the UK and the 1020 isn't available to buy yet, so I'm going off what I remember reading.

If you want to know about how to edit, crop, retouch your photos in editing software like Photoshop, that's where I could help you out more. I could put it in a PDF, but for now I'd make a guide topic if there was any interest so that the community could expand upon the guide and make it as useful as possible :D.
I believe that when you look through the photos in the gallery it should say along the bottom "Taken with Pro Camera" or something like that. I think that text acts like a link and you should be able to click that and open the file. To look through the photos properly, though, you'll see more of the detail on a PC. That's pretty easy stuff to do. When you look through your photo's you should see more than one version of the same file and the full size version will be 7000x5000 pixels or something like that, and it should say "High Res" or something similar in the file name.

I'm being a bit sketchy with my description because I'm in the UK and the 1020 isn't available to buy yet, so I'm going off what I remember reading.

If you want to know about how to edit, crop, retouch your photos in editing software like Photoshop, that's where I could help you out more. I could put it in a PDF, but for now I'd make a guide topic if there was any interest so that the community could expand upon the guide and make it as useful as possible :D.

Very cool info, and briefly tried it; looks right. Thnx for the heads-up, Muessig! :) (I'm probably the only person on the internet that has never used least not since my college courses from over 20 yrs ago so I wouldn't even know where to start with that subject lol)
Thanks a lot Muessig. My post photo skills are limited to cropping! I've heard other people mention how they eliminate noise and make photos sharper which is definitely something I'd be interested in.

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