A couple of interesting things


New member
Dec 6, 2012
Hi All,

I have a couple issues I want to highlight. Not sure if anyone has encountered these before or knows how to fix them but any advise would be appreciated.

Firstly this one is regarding battery sense is more of an annoyance. So from what I can deduce, the FM Radio app and Store app are linked in some way because the changes you make to one with regards to background functionality affects the other. I basically want the Store to always run(similar to how Cortana operates) but the FMRadio not to. However once you make the change and the app refreshes, the changes made for FMR have been applied to the Store.

Second issue, this is more of a bug I think that has been introduced since the recent glance screen update but sometimes (2 times so far) when I try to unlock my phone, the locksceen has zoomed in to an impossible level that wont allow me to enter my pin. The only way to fix is to reboot phone.

I using a Lumia 1020, PfD (latest release).
the fm radio and store, uses so little battery in background that is doesn't make any difference. only apps who have push notifications could make a difference about that, in battery performance.
your second issue it's a software one. disable few apps see if that make a difference, like glance && other that could change something about your lockscreen. if not you could hard reset your device, reinstall the os, or just wait for updates . :D
hope that helps.
the fm radio and store, uses so little battery in background that is doesn't make any difference. only apps who have push notifications could make a difference about that, in battery performance.
your second issue it's a software one. disable few apps see if that make a difference, like glance && other that could change something about your lockscreen. if not you could hard reset your device, reinstall the os, or just wait for updates . :D
hope that helps.

The store /fmr thing doesn't really bother me as like you send, they use very little battery.

Re the lockscreen issue. Its seems to be when used with an app that can periodically change photos. This is just an initial prognosis though.

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