my camera does not work anymore on my Lumia 1020


New member
Nov 20, 2016
I somehow hit a button for some update or something and when it turned back on- the camera was GONE !!! I bought this phone for this reason!!! Please help????
Hold the off button with the volume down for about 20 seconds to reboot the phone.
Check to see if the camera app returns after that.
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I have tried a soft and hard reset !!! --nothing helps - is there a way to fix this inexpensively ???
I somehow hit a button for some update or something and when it turned back on- the camera was GONE !!! I bought this phone for this reason!!! Please help????

Can you launch the camera app and if so what's being displayed, a black/blank screen, any errors?

I had my 1020s camera go poof! after only 7 days of owning it, was working fine one second and gone the next but I was still able to launch app, just wasn't anything being displayed on screen, ended up being the camera module that malfunctioned.
nope it wont launch anything- i have had that happen black or green screen--but usually if turn off and leave off for little and restart then okay--this doesnt even recognize appp or camera button :-(
So no third party apps will work?
You never did say which OS version are you on 8.1?
I have tried a soft and hard reset !!! --nothing helps - is there a way to fix this inexpensively ???

Cheapest I have seen the module is around $US50 on eBay... if you aren't tech savvy enough to replace it yourself it is going to be a fairly expensive might just be better off trying to find a second device on eBay or locally....
How do i find out that info?

I'm guessing you might be on WP8.

You'll be able to find out by swiping left to your list of apps then find "settings"
Look for "About" and tap on "more info"

Hope I remembered this correctly since I don't have my 925 right here to check.

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