you get 1080p screen. 20mp camera. A massive 3000mah battery. 2GB ram so every single app is available in the store. Snapdragon 800 so everything works flawlessly. Also it's the only high end windows phone with and sd card to expand your storage so yes,
It does look big but when it arrived I was like.. "that was it?". It really feels great on the hand and I was expecting bigger.
PS. My 5'2 mom with small hands loves the phone and thinks this is the right size. Unless you wear skinny jeans, size wouldn't bother you.
As for the specs, you get the same specs of the 930 plus a 3400 mAh battery and a micro SD card slot.
If the 1520 were to be upgraded this year, I seriously doubt it would be a huge spec bump as well.
It's worth it. At first I was scared about the size, but I tell you, you do get used to it. I now feel uneasy when using 4 to 5 inch smartphones. The only real downside I found was that it can fit only in large pockets.
Thank you guys, helped me alot. But will it work on Tmobile ? If I buy it unlocked from will I be able to update my phone to newer version like the windows phone 8.1 GDR 1? Thank You
I cracked the screen of my 920 and was confused of when to buy and what to replace it with. Bought it off contract. When you compare it the 920 its huge but feels lighter. The sides are nice and curved. Really comfortable in the hand. I had gotten so used to my tile setup with the extra column it was weird ti get used to but today is day 4 and its great. No regrets.
OK, let's put this to bed, once & for all ...
It's BIG, you'll get very used to it & everything else will seem small (abnormal) & it does fit in your pocket !
It's :
- da bomb
- the fo shizzle
- the bees knees
- rad
- all that & a bag of chips
- your new Bae
- the ish
- whatever new superlative, I missed
- :winktongue::shocked:
- and, it gets a lot of attention - ' ... wow, that's so big ... ', to which you reply (you need a snappy / snarky comeback, 'cause it'll happen)