Nokia Lumia Double Tap Fault Finally Answered?


New member
Jan 10, 2013
Hi all,

I'm not a technical person so I will just list roughly what I was told by an old friend who I haven't seen in 20 years. He works for Microsoft somewhere in Reading near London.
The Nokia Lumia double tap issue is caused by a manufacturing fault on the main board.
There's three faults altogether, the main culprit being electro magnetic something or other because of lack of shielding and poor design.
The newest Lumia 1520s have been slightly changed to fix the two secondary faults so the double tap isn't so pronounced. I am not sure what these secondary faults are but its possible to tell if you have the later 1520s by numbers inside the phone.
The electro magnetic fault is well known by Microsoft Nokia but a complete board change would be needed to eliminate it so this won't be happening.
Bending the phone does make a difference to the double tap only in the sense that it earths the phone or changes the way the electro magnetic fault occurs, quite hard to explain.
A software work around has been tested but it doesn't look like it will be coming out as it creates some problems itself.

Oh and there will be a follow up 1530 and it definitely won't have these faults
This matches what has already been posted here. A member has posted in detail how the problem is related to grounding problems that can be increased or reduced by bending. The good news is he also documented a cheap fix making this problem more a temporary nuisance than anything else. Of course an owner with the problem needs to find that fix.

I think WC should really publicize that fix but suspect they won't want to embarrass a hand that feeds them and may not have the time or resources for the due diligence to confirm the member findings.

I think the member who did the work and documented the fix should get the Nobel prize. I know I have no more worries that my 1520 might start acting up. The tech at the corner fix-it shop can fix it for good in just a few minutes.
I think the member who did the work and documented the fix should get the Nobel prize. I know I have no more worries that my 1520 might start acting up. The tech at the corner fix-it shop can fix it for good in just a few minutes.

Which Nobel Prize do you suggest? Peace or Physics?
Hi all,

I'm not a technical person so I will just list roughly what I was told by an old friend who I haven't seen in 20 years. He works for Microsoft somewhere in Reading near London.
The Nokia Lumia double tap issue is caused by a manufacturing fault on the main board.
There's three faults altogether, the main culprit being electro magnetic something or other because of lack of shielding and poor design.
The newest Lumia 1520s have been slightly changed to fix the two secondary faults so the double tap isn't so pronounced. I am not sure what these secondary faults are but its possible to tell if you have the later 1520s by numbers inside the phone.
The electro magnetic fault is well known by Microsoft Nokia but a complete board change would be needed to eliminate it so this won't be happening.
Bending the phone does make a difference to the double tap only in the sense that it earths the phone or changes the way the electro magnetic fault occurs, quite hard to explain.
A software work around has been tested but it doesn't look like it will be coming out as it creates some problems itself.

Oh and there will be a follow up 1530 and it definitely won't have these faults

That's pretty interesting and matches what others have said (as HD mentioned). Also interesting is that sometimes if you 'click' on an article on a webpage you end up clicking on an article that is actually off-screen. Presumably it is the same cause.

Pass my regards on to Reading, I grew up there many moons ago. Is it still a dump?
Omg thank you. Knowing 1530 is currently being designed/ engineered made my day!
Glad I read this post...I was about to go get a 1520 at my local MS store but they are all out of stock of white at all the stores and online.

Currently have a 1020 since the day it was released and was just looking for something different. Don't think I have ever kept a phone as long as I have the 1020. Would have jumped ship to an iPhone 6 plus if it wasn't for the MS Band with Cortana :)

Might go look at the 830 to hold me over.
Thinking very about getting this Don't want to wait till mid 2015 for another high end flagship...
Sent from my L-920 using Tapatalk
^^^As a potential 1520 buyer I've been checking out this forum of late, also other websites, and have heard of users who have encountered the scroll/tap issue having phones returned to them not fixed, claims that Nokia (formerly) and Microsoft (currently) do not acknowledge that there is a design fault, and users returning the phone only to find that the problem exists in the replacement or perhaps several replacements in succession, and sometimes new out of the box. All this is offputting because I would dearly like to acquire a 1520 as a supplement to my 1020.
Are you saying then that phones displaying this fault are now being returned to their owners fixed?
I was thinking of buying a 930 today but I may shelve that idea and keep the 1520 in mind.

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Are you saying then that phones displaying this fault are now being returned to their owners fixed?
I was thinking of buying a 930 today but I may shelve that idea and keep the 1520 in mind.
No. I was just wondering about NOW. Its not clear when MS/Nokia figured this out and even when they did, it would take some time before procedures could be updated.

Even if they were jerks and knew there was a problem but didn't mind letting customers hang, its a new ball game when they can no longer have plausible deniability about it.
I got my phone from repair, it does seem that they have a response to fixing this. The screen has to be changed. Not sure if they changed anything else. Until of course I use it for months, I can't 100% confirm it's gone. Although they do extend your warranty so potentially you can always get it fixed.
Can someone please detail the actual fix for this? And, are we talking about the swipe/tap issue? Or is this something else?
Yes Jwinch, we are talking about the swipe tap issue. From what I have been told there doesn't seem to be a complete fix.
Bull **** then how 2 year old phone like Lumia 820 has no double tap issues.i think quality control of nokia has deteriorated.
From Windows phone
Saw this just now:

Nokia has already acknowledged the issue, announcing that it would push out a software update to resolve it sometime before the end of January.

?Hi. We are working on it. Issue will be fixed with the new SW release available over the air during January 3rd or 4th week. Sorry for the inconvenience,? the company said on its help forums.

Anyone know of official response from Nokia about this issue?

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