ATT rep says discontinued.. True or is she wrong?


New member
Jul 24, 2012
Our corporate AT&T rep told us today that the 1520 has been discontinued and they are only selling left over inventory.

Anyone know? I love my 1520.. But if it's being replaced shortly,,.
I'll bet they discontinued it,because they're about to replace it with next phone like 1525 or 1530
It's still listed on the AT&T website but it tells me that it's not available in my location. So I'm guessing a little of true or not.
I would imagine they are trying to sell what's in the warehouses and in the individual stores.

Microsoft can't exactly make a big release of a new phone until the stockpiles of the old versions start to run low, else the carriers and retailers would never be able to sell off the old ones. Makes sense, at least.

Difference between a WP and iPhone here is that people will buy a discounted last season iPhone and still pay good money for it. WP isn't popular enough, even with AT&T, to warrant allowing it to stay in inventory when something new comes out. They know it may take some time to sell what they have, so they have simply stopped purchasing new ones from Microsoft.

I'd say expect a replacement by spring at the latest if AT&T has made that move.
I doubt the rep knows much.

I imagine that it would get down to 99? with 2 yr contract before being discontinued.

It's still a great phone. MS has no flagship replacement. There's no reason for MS to discontinue production.
Well in the UK it has sold out everywhere (except places selling imported models and second hand versions). Also amazon UK is listing it as "discontinued by manufacturer" and it's disappeared from the UK MS store
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1520.3 is starting to get price increases and backorder status at internet sellers...

I think the lack of a new flagship this past Autumn created a lot of pressure on the supply chain for 1520 in all variants. There are no CREDIBLE rumors/leaks that I have seen regarding a new flagship device release yet.

Supply and Demand + crazy rumor mongering is a likely culprit.

Microsoft Store US still has AT&T branded 1520 AT&T Phones Powered By Windows 8 - Microsoft Store
It's still a great phone. MS has no flagship replacement. There's no reason for MS to discontinue production.
The thread is just about the AT&T version. So MS will just build what AT&T orders or AT&T is okay with MS selling directly. Hard to say what motivates AT&T.
The thread is just about the AT&T version. So MS will just build what AT&T orders or AT&T is okay with MS selling directly. Hard to say what motivates AT&T.
If MS still builds it and sells it in MS stores then iit's not discontinued. It's just AT&T failing to order more but the rep trying to deflect responsibility elsewhere
Just because we haven't gotten a leaked rumor of a new flagship coming down the pipe or whatever, doesn't mean MS hasn't been working on one. If Microsoft has stopped production, then they may just be trying to finish selling what they have before they gear up production of a replacement. Makes perfect sense in a business world.

If MS were to announce the 1530 would be available in February or March, then no one would buy the 1520 now, and MS would be stuck with a lot of stock it can't get rid of.

I'm an optimist (probably because Verizon isn't my carrier), so I choose to believe this is a sign that a new flagship is on the horizon, and most probably within a 6 month time frame. Whether or not I'm right or wrong doesn't really matter to me, because it will be out eventually. I still think the 1530 has a good chance of shipping with Windows 10, though, but if it does, it may be further out than 6 months.
A month ago I tried to get a 1520 at two different ATT stores and neither had a 1520 in stock. I also tried at two Best Buy's with the same results. I then decided to drive to Oakbrook IL and get one at the Microsoft store. For some reason their computer system wasn't letting them activate new phones on ATT. I wasn't sure the 1520 was the phone for me because of the size, but I took the ability not to just walk into a store and buy one as a bad omen and didn't get one.

Best Buy I understand, but ATT not having any 1520 stock? There may be something to what the rep is saying...
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Checked online and states the 1520 is not available in my area. Glad I got mine a couple months ago.
its not showing as available in my area either. i also noticed earlier today, they took down the matte green 1520 also
Well I was just in our local AT&T store here in Florida a couple days ago and they still had the green 1520 on display, along with the 830 and a 6xx at one table, then another red 1520 with some other phones along the wall.. Of course that was a couple days ago..
just now checked my area on line via att.
still showing the 1520.
I say rep was feeding you a line.

went to and looked.
it, too, is showing "not available for your area"
real shame, if true. the 1520 is a great phone.
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just now checked my area on line via att.
still showing the 1520.
I say rep was feeding you a line.

Is it showing it's available for purchase? I can see where they have the 1520 ppriced but no option to add it to your cart to buy it. When I click on it, in the to corner it says not available.
Just checked online with AT&T. They do still show the 1520 in the line up. I did a compare with other phones, and other than price, all the specs for the device are now blank, so there is no real compare. When I "View Details" of the device, small print in the upper right corner states that "This device is not available in your area." So, no longer able to purchase it online from my location in the US.

From what I see around here it is a commonly held belief that the US supply of 1520.3 units comes via Mexico. In researching something I happened to end up at the Microsoft site for Lumia and Asha phones portal for Mexico. (Formerly Nokia Mexico). There is not an entry for 1520 on their extensive list of offerings. Note that the page appears to be comprehensive as it shows now canceled Asha and even a WP 7.8 OS Lumia 505... Before you say it is just an old cached copy - there are up to date offerings like 835 and 635 on there.

Todos los equipos: Smartphones y Tablets - Microsoft - M?xico
It seems like stock is drying up. Even when I bought my 1520 in October, I was trying to decide about 1520.3 or carrier locked variant. Obviously, the at&t version is less preferable, but if I had been able to pick up a green one, I may have gone that route. But they were showing out-of-stock online and none in an area store for me.

From what I see around here it is a commonly held belief that the US supply of 1520.3 units comes via Mexico. In researching something I happened to end up at the Microsoft site for Lumia and Asha phones portal for Mexico. (Formerly Nokia Mexico). There is not an entry for 1520 on their extensive list of offerings
I would love to know where they did come from because without that, I can't see when it will be updated because I don't know what schedule to look at.

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