My 1520 screen is going nuts


New member
Nov 10, 2014
Christmas eve my screen went crazy. It's flickering and freezing. I've rebooted many times. You can't use the phone cause the screen is frozen. It works for 5 minutes just fine then it goes nuts again. What do I do?
Do you see a crack on the screen because this could also explain this behavior.
I've done a soft reset something like 79 times since Thursday. Lol... Just kidding about 79..... But its a bunch.

No cracks on the screen. I do have a case on my phone. It's an incipio that I've had on it since the moment I got the phone.
Could it be something that a reinstall of the OS could fix? I hope it's not something that needs to be physically replaced.
I'd a never thought of this being a possible issue. My case is a different manufacturer, but they are extremely similar in design. I'm going to take the case off and see if that's the issue.

If it continues, its back to the iPhone.
Exactly the reason why I traded mine for the 930, its built a lot more securely and doesn't have such a sensitive screen. Not sensitive in the touch sense but sensitive in the sense that it is poorly secured to the phone which makes it finicky.
Do you use the Glance Background app?
About two weeks ago, my 1520 started acting similarly to yours. When I'd wake the phone, it would magically type in incorrect passwords and sometimes the screen would become jittery and freeze. So, I did a hard reset on it and restored it using the restore function during setup. After it was finished, I went through logging into all of my apps, including setting up the Glance Background app. After a day or so, the sensitive password issue started again. I figured since it always happened after I woke the phone while the Glance Background was being displayed, it might be related. I installed that app, performed a soft reset, and have not experienced it since.
This happened to me before back during the summer, so I sent it to Nokia. They sent it back after reinstalling the OS, and said that nothing was wrong with it.
What Scienceguy Labs said makes sense. I disabled Glance background on my 1320 because it was pretty buggy. Seems like a possibility.
Do you use the Glance Background app?
About two weeks ago, my 1520 started acting similarly to yours. When I'd wake the phone, it would magically type in incorrect passwords and sometimes the screen would become jittery and freeze. So, I did a hard reset on it and restored it using the restore function during setup. After it was finished, I went through logging into all of my apps, including setting up the Glance Background app. After a day or so, the sensitive password issue started again. I figured since it always happened after I woke the phone while the Glance Background was being displayed, it might be related. I installed that app, performed a soft reset, and have not experienced it since.
This happened to me before back during the summer, so I sent it to Nokia. They sent it back after reinstalling the OS, and said that nothing was wrong with it.

What Scienceguy Labs said makes sense. I disabled Glance background on my 1320 because it was pretty buggy. Seems like a possibility.

Definitely a possibility, could be another issue ... (I'm gonna try it) ...

What I found, however, was upon removing the Fosman case (& putting a hard case on), I haven't had any problems for the last week. I'm in the process of putting the Fosman case back on (after uninstalling Glance Background) - I really like that case, only time will tell.

Exactly the reason why I traded mine for the 930, its built a lot more securely and doesn't have such a sensitive screen. Not sensitive in the touch sense but sensitive in the sense that it is poorly secured to the phone which makes it finicky.

My Lumia 1520's screen is firmly secured to the phone - however, Physics being what they are, there is the possibility that a (too ?) tight case could be causing the (larger) screen on a thinner phone to flex, ever so slightly.

Do either of you use a slim fit, TPU case on your phone ?
Well, good luck with your experiment. Hopefully, you find the culprit.
Currently, I am using a tpu style case, but it's not extremely tight. It's one of those $5 S-Wave cases from China. I often change my cases depending on my mood, so I can't really give you any info from a case perspective.
Good luck.
The next morning :

- I've uninstalled Glance Background beta. Funny, the pictures I'd selected still display (in rotation) even though the app is gone (several reboots, soft reset). Picture display (on / off) controlled by Glance, but NO selection of background Glance pictures.

- Phone has behaved correctly (so far) - today will be the true test (case on all nite while charging, possible heat transfer, etc) - I have the S wave, TPU (Fosmon) case on it

time will tell
I simply turned off glance and removed the case. Still doing it. Had to reboot twice just this morning. Think I'm going to take it back to at&t today and go back to my iPhone that worked correctly since the very first iPhone. Sad.... I really like the interface, layout, and size. Very disappointed.
I simply turned off glance and removed the case. Still doing it. Had to reboot twice just this morning. Think I'm going to take it back to at&t today and go back to my iPhone that worked correctly since the very first iPhone. Sad.... I really like the interface, layout, and size. Very disappointed.

You might have to completely uninstall the Glance Background app then cycle through the on/off power sequence to see any results.

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android
The next morning :

- I've uninstalled Glance Background beta. Funny, the pictures I'd selected still display (in rotation) even though the app is gone (several reboots, soft reset). Picture display (on / off) controlled by Glance, but NO selection of background Glance pictures.

- Phone has behaved correctly (so far) - today will be the true test (case on all nite while charging, possible heat transfer, etc) - I have the S wave, TPU (Fosmon) case on it

time will tell

Mine did the same thing as yours. Problem with mine was that I did not deselect the image I was using as my Glance Background before I uninstalled the app. I had to install the app again, select an image, deselect, then uninstall the app again. ha ha ha Crazy isn't it?? :-)

Hope that yours continues to work.

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android
day 2 :

- phone still behaving correctly w Fosmon case, w/o Glance Background - (thanx to ScienceGuy for that)
- turned OFF photo in GLANCE, looks a lot cleaner, the initial charm wore off

either case is no longer too tight, or that was not the problem (changing case was purely coincidence). I really have NO explanation, just happy it's working - thought I'd have to warranty replace it

FWIW: pleasant by product of this ...
I took an auger & vented the case around the camera / flash bumpout - a dozen carefully placed holes on either side, looks kinda cool, will aid in heat dissipation (hopefully) when I thought the problem was caused by heat buildup.
everything is OK on day 3 (fingers crossed) w the Fosmon case. (unless it goes drastically wrong, no more updates)
I would switch back to the hard case, just so damn glad I don't have to RMA it.
Exactly the reason why I traded mine for the 930, its built a lot more securely and doesn't have such a sensitive screen. Not sensitive in the touch sense but sensitive in the sense that it is poorly secured to the phone which makes it finicky.

Yeah, thinking of selling or trading my 1520 for that very reason. I Love the phone but the screen issues are beginning to get to me.

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