Going nuts here!


New member
Jul 14, 2008
I've searched and found a dozen or more ways to set up my new 1520.3 on Straight Talk using the AT&T settings. Nothing works.

Would someone with a Nokia Lumia 1520.3 using Straight Talk and AT&T Sim card please post settings for:



I won't even show you screen shots of where I'm at. I just want to start from scratch.

Thanks a million for any help.:crying:
I believe access point doesn't work in our newer phones... at least it doesn't on mine, gives me an error my phone isn't supported because its made for older phones...
I got the MMS from someone in the 520 forum, MChaney3563. http://forums.windowscentral.com/nokia-lumia-520/288203-straight-talk-mms-help.html#post2578564

I simply did a site search for Straight talk mms and was up and running in about 3 minutes.

Settings > cellular + SIM > SIM settings > edit internet APN > match these values shown below


Settings > cellular + SIM > SIM settings > edit MMS APN > match these values shown below


It's all working for me. Internet and MMS, both send and receive.
RumoredNow hit the nail on the head...been using the settings he posted for several years and they work perfectly.
edit...sometimes it helps to restart the phone after inputting the apn settings.edit...oops. Thought I was replying to a newer post.
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I LOVE YOU!!! I have spent 2 days trying to get this to work. I recently updated my lumia 1020 to windows 10 and I was beginning to think it was the OS messing everything up. I was almost gonna give up and rollback but I really like windows 10.
I GOT IT!!!!!!

For Straight Talk with T-Mobile, use these settings:

For Internet, just put wap.tracfone for APN and save.
For MMS:

APN: wap.tracfone
WAP Gateway:
WAP Port: 8080
MMSC: http://mms.tracfone.com
MMSC port: 80
Max MMS Size: 10485
For those who are having trouble updating the data settings, I was able to successfully get Straight Talk on the AT&T network working with my Lumia 950 with full LTE, albeit through a bit of a struggle.

Long story short, put in the information that Straight Talk lists on their website. At the moment, info is below, which I hear is subject to change occasionally.

Internet APN
  • User name: (blank)
  • Password: (blank)
  • Type of sign-in info: None
  • IP type: IPv4
  • Use this APN for LTE and replace the one from my mobile operator: checked
  • Proxy server: (blank)
  • Proxy port: (blank) *Apply this profile: checked

  • User name: (blank)
  • Password: (blank)
  • Type of sign-in info: None
  • IP type: IPv4
  • Proxy server: proxy.mobile.att.net
  • Proxy port: 80
  • MMSC (URL): http://mmsc.mobile.att.net
  • MMSC port: (blank)
  • Maximum MMS size (KB): (blank)
  • Apply this profile: checked

After this, I rebooted my phone. Once reboot is complete, I ran into a small issue: I got data, but only Edge network. Eventually, I returned to my SIM 1 settings, and changed the Highest connection speed from 4G to something else (I selected 2G for no reason), and back to 4G. For some reason, this allowed the phone to get on the LTE network. Now I am a happy customer, and I hope this helps anyone else trying to get on the Straight Talk plan!

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