New 520 Owner - What class micro sd card?


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Jul 15, 2013
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So just come back from the store and got my Nokia Lumia 520. Have yet to open it as I'm waiting for the screen protector to arrive. I'd like to know what class SD card I should be looking to buy? I hear that there may be problems with class 10? I'm probably going to go with 16GB as it should be more than enough to hold photos, videos recorded with the camera. Does the current or upcoming Nokia camera app take lots of photos simultaneously which is why I'm concerned I may need a good micro sd card.

Finally, any advice for a new Nokia 520 owner? This is my first experience with Windows Phone 8. Upgrading from a Nokia 5800 with Symbian. Potentially, it looks like I've picked the right time with the recent WhatsApp update and soon Amber.

As far as I know, the higher the class the better the transfer rates, the better the card. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe I'm right, someone with more expertise and knowledge will know :).
I use a class 10 card in my 520 with no issues. It's fast and smooth.
How is the auto backup on Skydrive? is it true it causes a folder in storage to fill up fast with cache? Don't mind using the cloud as an alternative to SD Card if there aren't any major flaws.
buy a sandisk class 10 memory card..avoid backingup data to skydrive for now as it causes OTHER storage to be full !!
I am havin class 10 in transcend brand micro sd card, but can any1 tell, what file system shud b in sd card....


coz, already FAT32 didnt worked in my nokia lumia 520.
Smart Cam allows for taking photos simultaneously. Nokia Camera isn't officially supported however it can be installed with a little trickery.
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