How Windows Phone updates are pushed !?


New member
Jul 28, 2013
Hi !
I'm wondering how the Windows Phone update works and if I'll get GDR2/Amber on my phone. Here's why...

So it's a Lumia 520 that I bought at Telus. Even before activating it, I unlocked it and put a Virgin Mobile Canada sim card in it. Works great. But Virgin isn't selling the 520 so there's no chances that they push the update to me. So... How does it work ?

When I press "Check for updates" on my phone, what happens ? Does it connect to a Nokia server and only validate the carrier settings so it sends the correct update ? If I check the infos of my phone, it's still listed as a "Telus". And if there's no chance I get the update being on Virgin, do I have any other options ? Like directly from Nokia or maybe just put a Telus sim card in there. I guess it would need to be activated ?

Thanks for the support.
In a nut shell, when telus is pushing out the update, you will get it because you have a telus phone.

I unlocked my rogers 920 and I'm using it in the caribbean. When Rogers pushed GDR1, i was able to "check for updates" and there it was. The same will happen with GDR2.
Nice. And what are the options when your carrier is slow or doesn't push the update at all. Is it possible to do it "manually" on the intertubes and a pc ?
you can download nokia care suite and see if it is available but you will lose all your data.
ttsoldier already told you everything you need to know. I'll just add some more details in case you are interested:

Every WP device is identified by a product code. A unique product code exists for every WP model and sales channel (mostly carriers). So, all the L520's sold at Telus will have the same product code, which will be different from the product code of the L520s sold at AT&T.

The product code is noted in the devices firmware. You'll also find the product code printed on the retail box. If you take a look at your SIM tray, you might also find a sticker with the product code printed on it.

Your device periodically "rings up" a Microsoft server. Your device identifies itself with its product code and asks the server if an update is available. If an update has been approved for devices with your product code, then the server will allow your device to download and install the update.

You can switch SIMs, move to other countries or install updates as much as you like, the product code will not change. The only way to change the product code is to flash a new ROM image with a differing product code.
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You can switch SIMs, move to other countries or install updates as much as you like, the product code will not change. The only way to change the product code is to flash a new ROM image with a differing product code.

So, assuming I buy an 822 from Verizon, unlock it, then put a T-Mobile SIM in it.... Will I get GDR2+Amber when Verizon starts pushing it to the 822s on its network? Even if I have neither a Verizon plan nor their SIM inside the phone?!
So, assuming I buy an 822 from Verizon, unlock it, then put a T-Mobile SIM in it.... Will I get GDR2+Amber when Verizon starts pushing it to the 822s on its network? Even if I have neither a Verizon plan nor their SIM inside the phone?!

Well this is a revelation to me too!
I'm in the same situation but with a Rogers branded HTC 8x, now with a Telus sim. I've been asking on Telus forums when GDR2 will hit the 8x, but it appears I've been asking on the wrong forum, I should be asking on the Rogers forum...

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