Lumia Dont Boot - Red Screen

Ruben Duarte

New member
Feb 12, 2015
Hi everyone.

I have a Lumia 520 from Vodafone Portugal that I give to my brother in August last Year. When they was mine, I have Developer Account, but then I restored it and my brother log with him account. Yesterday I tried to Update, but its always give me 8018830F error. I tried update with Windows Phone Recovery Tool, but idk why, it gave an error and now i'm stuck with a red screen with white Nokia letters...

What can i do?! :/

Sorry for bad English guys :p
If you have an SD card in the 520 get it out and try again.
Some times an SD card can give this kind of error.
I dont have SD Card. Neither SIM Card

Your phone is now "bricked" so the only thing you can do is try the Lumia software recovery tool again and hope that there is no error this time.
If this does not work then you need to bring it to a nokia care center or repair shop. But I am not sure how expensive this will be. Maybe more expensive than a new phone.
I already tried with Lumia Software Recovery and nothing... Error... I will send it to the Warranty :/
Don't panic ! I've been through the same issue. Whenever I use Lumia Software Recovery Tool at home, I ended up with an error saying the file downloaded is corrupted. What worked for me was to use another wifi !!

The Nokia Logo, followed by the red screen is a good thing ! Your phone still can be noticeable by the computer, meaning you can still flash it ! ;)
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Hi everyone.

I have a Lumia 520 from Vodafone Portugal that I give to my brother in August last Year. When they was mine, I have Developer Account, but then I restored it and my brother log with him account. Yesterday I tried to Update, but its always give me 8018830F error. I tried update with Windows Phone Recovery Tool, but idk why, it gave an error and now i'm stuck with a red screen with white Nokia letters...

What can i do?! :/

Sorry for bad English guys :p

I'm tried to reinstall software via Windows Phone Recovery Tool um my Lumia 520, but in many times. As result, my Phone does not boot anymore. Luckily, I have a Lumia 730 (good upgrade). I intended to sell my Lumia 520, but this troubleshooting may prevent saving my money until repair.
Mauricio Tavares :
Were you using USB 3.0 port ? If so, use the 2.0 one. Also, use the original cable.
I tried another Wifi and another PC. Doesnt work :/ I really dont know what can i do! :/


EDIT: now the lumia dont turn on...
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This is weird .. Maybe it's the drivers that are messing with the installation ? Try to uninstall all the drivers and the recovery software, then re-install it.
If it still doesn't work, go to a Nokia Care Center, they will repair your phone for free if you're still under warranty.

Sorry for the late response.

Edit : Did you try the Lumia Software Recovery Tool (download it from Mircosoft website) ? (Now that your phone don't turn on, you'll have to click on "my phone is not detected" in order to flash your device)
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If you have installed the lumia recover tool then you will find that there is an executable called thor2.exe in that directory. The default locatiosen is C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Microsoft\Windows Phone Recovery Tool

If you have used this tool to download the packages for the RM-998 device then these should be present in the C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Packages\products\rm-998 directory
You should be able to flash you phone from the red screen powering it off by removing the battery and cable and leaving it off. Then run
thor2.exe -mode vpl -vplfile RM998_059V535_3058.50000.1425.0004_019.vpl
and put the battery in the device and connect the USB cable
The same thing happened to me right now. I installed W10 preview and I wanted to bring it back to W8.1 and those issues came up until the phone "died", it won't turn on. What could it be? :(

I am at location of thor2.exe. but can you please tell me how to run this file:
thor2.exe -mode vpl -vplfile RM998_059V535_3058.50000.1425.0004_019.vpl

Also after running this Is the red screen goes off ??

Gabe Aul on 04\14\2015: "Update 4/14: We are seeing some reports of failures on Lumia 520 devices when trying to roll back to Windows Phone 8.1 using the Windows Phone Reset Tool. We are pausing build availability for these devices temporarily while we investigate the issue and work with customers who have reported problems".
i think you have to wait to recover your phone, but it will work.

I got the same error exactly, here is the probable solution:

Keep the phone charge for 5 hours

After that remove SD card & Sim card from the mobile.

This is crucial part :

1. open recovery tool>>my mobile not detected>>model selection(dont turn on mobile till now ,don,t connect it to pc atleast)
2.when it said connect your mobile turn on the mobile first (power+Vol -)same time
3. when nokia name comes up in the mobile display connect the usb.

It worked for me hope it will for you tooooooo!!!!!

Venkatsai Chowdary:winktongue::winktongue::winktongue:
I don't know how it did it but this worked for me, I tried everything.
Thanks a million

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