521 User Pics and Vids

Trying a few early evening and night shots tonight. I think some of the lens flare from the bright lights is because I have a hard time remembering to clean my lens before I shoot. I wish there was a lense cover on my case.





Went to the zoo the other took around 120 pics (will have to go to friend house with wifi to upload most of those)
But here is one of smaller size pics and more colorful - I really hate that animals where in cages but it is for their protection once again..

Default Camera and Settings

Adding a Pic of Snake Behind Glass

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Really Should have used ProShot, but, Default Camera Settings. No Editing. With a little Humor has well

These indoors pic turned out better than outdoors has sunlight was not a factor and low lighting was . Plus I spent a little more time in focus on these.

Remember these reptiles are behind glass. No Animals where harmed During Picture Process has 521 has no Flash

Tarantula - Look Guys Its Picture Time

Reptile 01 - Hey is that a Nokia Windows Phone

Reptile 02 - Why I believe it Is, Say's so on back

Reptile 03 - Nice No Flash, How This Pose

Yellow Frogs - Man I Gotta Get One for Wife, She's always borrowing mine.
Compact flourescent light bulbs burning. Taken with ProShot P Mode. ISO set to 100. Exposure -2. AutoFocus. Final images have brightness boosted and contrast enhanced in Gimp. It looks like I need to clean that bulb and risk having the EPA come out to clean up the mercury lol.


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Studies on The End of My LED Flashlight. shutter 1/10,000 f 2.4. Exposure -2. Blue tint achieved with manual White Balance set to ? Super novas added in Gimp 2.8.6 in WIn7.

1. Hurtling Through Space
Hurtling Through Space.jpg

2. Quiet Night In the Orb
A Night in The Orb.jpg

3. Rotation

I'm having too much fun with this phone!
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Another Hand Study


OK guys. I know all the "real" photographers have the 1020, but I can't be the only one still shooting with the 521. We need your posts in this thread.
Nature Center Trail Late Summer - Nokia 521. Cropped and color filter applied with Aviary Photo Editor

Aviary Photo_130231677224340543.jpg

This is my Roscoe! On my lap, I gave him bunny ears to make my daughter smile! I used the pic editor Fotor to crop, enhance the color a little bit and gave it a rice paper effect. I don't usually use my phone for pics since I truly believe if you want a really great photo, use a camera! But this one came out pretty good!

For the not so great reviews of this camera- I found it takes really good pics. I love all the photos posted here. Keep them coming. I have not done any video yet.
Took a few small videos tonight with the 521. Patched together with Windows Movie Maker on Win7, which also put a strange beep in, but I don't really know how to use it yet. Everything set to automatic on camera

A bit of bluegrass on the square at night. Sorry about the shakes. I have to get a tripod mount for these night shots. There was very little light on the band, so its hard to fault the camera for not picking them out distinctly. This is pretty close to the way things looked, so I am happy with the camera's choices for exposure, etc.Colors are slightly over-saturated, a characteristic of many of today's cameras, as commented on in many posts. Really not bad for a dark street scene with no flash, and a low-end (price wise) camera phone.

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A few more night photos. Lessons learned - I need a tripod mount to take these, because not holding the camera still at these slow shutter speeds is making them blurry. They were all taken with ProShot (some with high ISO) and slow shutters (1/4 to 1 sec). The high ISO is making them grainy. Better to choose an ISO around 100 and even slower shutter.

The firrst shot could have benefited from HDR, because there is so much contrast between the light and dark areas. Theoretically, HDR would have used an over-exposed, an under-exposed, and a normal photo to combine them into one shot with better exposure on the whole.

f 2.4, 1/8s, ISO 1600

f 2.4, 1s, ISO 100. I was leaning against a lamp post in this one, but at 1 full second of exposure time (the trade off for the low ISO and less noise, hopefully) I just could not hold it still enough to keep it from getting blurry.
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I apologize for the double thumbnails and regular pics. I'm not sure what is causing that.
Pics for this Week from Me
Once a year the Fair (Carnival) rolls through town. Some Various Pic Taken with Default Camera and rest with ProShot AutoMode

Midway at Dusk (Default Camera)

Various Rides (Proshot)

Some more black and white
Aviary Photo_130236654906871527.jpg

Its was late, but still no solid leads
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I posted a question on using SmartCam on the 521 over in the Photography Lounge --->Here. Basically my problem in using SmartCam is that the pictures save in very low resolution (1280x720). Have any of you been able to use SmartCam and get it to save in the normal 521 resolution? Thanks.

WP_20130917_18_52_10_Smart (2).jpg
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Yep same here, Smart Cam pics are 1280x720 for me has well, just tried it out myself. Thinking that is how it work's capture smaller images so that is easier for program to work with. Let me research and if I find anything I will post over in the your other thread about it.

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